hahahahaha.. thats funny.. its there just cant see it.. ty guys for the support you guys are the best
i have kyb agx and omni power sleeves.. been rocking them for 2 years with np.. its a little stiff but its smooth on the highways love em@ black's pic, i agree
your car looks real clean bro. myself, i wouldnt lower the car anymore. it looks good how it sits. whats it lowered on btw? your diy's look amazing..you did a real nice job with both.
not yet i want to cry... i dont have a spare car... i work 40hrs/6 days a week... i have all the parts but no time.. i dont have somebody to help me.. my main concern was removing the auto trans and putting the manual trans.. does the tranny jack worth it?? i wish i was closer to you guys(.. this sucks.. after seeing you guys finished the swap it always makes me jealous.. uh well.. still solid that im doing the swap but just a matter of time i guess.. .. im reallly thankful for your solid support guyso so you did the swap??
good s**t
I love to see cars that people have taken care of the details. Sometimes you don't get it right on the first try. I know I have spent countless times making sure all my lines on my car line up.you always notice the small details that people cant see or think in a good way brotha