FS/FT 93 delsol si JDM

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can you please name one jdm item on your vehicle


New Member
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i posted that to get more people to look at my car so i can sell it faster like did you really have to spend the time to f**k up my thread saying name one thing on your car thats jdm your moms jdm mr titanium member stop f**king up people threads faggot


That's my honda.
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5+ Year Member
You still havn't sold this? Aw man, good luck with sale, bump, looks good, I've always thought the sol's were badass.


got any eh(or eg)parts???
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
ive been thinkin on tradind my ride for a del-sol but not sure yet..bump 4 nice car

and dont F*^K with this foo's thread let it be!!!!!!
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