Synapse Engineering is testing out a new program for select retailers that will allow customers to try out a demo BOV for a few runs around the block to see if this is the blow off valve has a place in their future build.
You’ve seen the hype on the net and YouTube. Time to see if Synchronic BOV is all hype.
We’re going to start by testing out the program with Group 5 Motorsports in San Diego (858) 693-3278, If you’re in the San Diego area you can come by Group 5 and try out the Synchronic BOV. NO STRINGS ATTACHED! You can try it, just to try it.
You can only participate in this program if you have the following BOV’s and applications:
Greddy Type S
Greddy Type RS
Greddy Type R
HKS Racing Bypass
HKS Bypass Valve
HKS SSQ Type II Racing
Bosch DV
Audi/VW/Porsche with 1” Bosch DV
Applications with a 1 inch inlet and
Discharge hose fittings
Applications with a 1.25 inch inlet and
Discharge hose fittings
Mitsubishi Evolution
Tial 50mm BOV
If this is successful we'll setup shops around the country to have these demo kits.
You’ve seen the hype on the net and YouTube. Time to see if Synchronic BOV is all hype.
We’re going to start by testing out the program with Group 5 Motorsports in San Diego (858) 693-3278, If you’re in the San Diego area you can come by Group 5 and try out the Synchronic BOV. NO STRINGS ATTACHED! You can try it, just to try it.
You can only participate in this program if you have the following BOV’s and applications:
Greddy Type S
Greddy Type RS
Greddy Type R
HKS Racing Bypass
HKS Bypass Valve
HKS SSQ Type II Racing
Bosch DV
Audi/VW/Porsche with 1” Bosch DV
Applications with a 1 inch inlet and
Discharge hose fittings
Applications with a 1.25 inch inlet and
Discharge hose fittings
Mitsubishi Evolution
Tial 50mm BOV
If this is successful we'll setup shops around the country to have these demo kits.