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You know I have not used the cs3 master collection much since I got it. Besides all the standard apple apps I have:Thats easily over 5K worth of programs, if you paid for them that is... I love my CS3, didnt pay for it though. Do you use after effects?
Aperture(photo editing), Kismac(wirless network stumbler and encryption breaker),
Siera Wireless (for sprint wifi card), Mac office 2004 (word, excel, etc),
Crossover(must have, will let you run almost all windows programs without installing windows),
Firefox, Wow, Bubble bobble, full tilt poker, Sega emulator,
virtual dj(mixing program), Snak(irc client), Final cut Pro(video editing), MacTheRipper(dvd ripper)
fugu(app to let my mac communicate with my iphone), isquint(video encoder), vlc player(Best movie player)
azereus (torrent), Stuffit (del with.rars mostly), MacFamily Tree,
Toast(used for putting video files on dvds to be viewd on dvd players.), independence(prog to hack iphone)
adobe cs3 master collection, appzapper(nice uninstaller), tubesock(helps download youtube, dailymotion vids)
candybar(visuals), cod2(game), Dave(program to let pcs understand my mac)
brutal gift(malicious script), and flip4mac(lets wmv been seen in quicktime.)
It's Final Cut ProDamn man the only one besides the iLife apps I recognize is WoW. Is that Final Cut Studio I spy?