pcv vented system question


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What the heck is the black box? Like exactly what is in it and what does it do/how does it work? If the pcv valve is pulled out and broken can the crankcase vent sufficently? Or does the black box need to be removed before it can freely breath out?


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if the pcv is pulled out the crankcase can vent. if the pcv is broken inside the box, there's a chance it is plugging up the hole. i'm pretty sure the black box acts like a drain back feature, minimizing the amount of oil that actualy makes its way up to the intake manifold.

if you have the chance, it IS better to pull out the block box and jbweld or epoxy in a brass nipple that you then connect to the rest of your vented or vacuum setup. this will flow better than keeping the black box inplace. but for mild builds you'll be fine with keeping the box in there. just depends on how much extra time you want to work on it.



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thank you sir. I broke mine off (pcv valve) and it did all come out, but I just wanted to make sure im okay, becuase frankly I like my rings and compression just as they are. I think im going to just leave it how it is black box in place, cuz that thing is gunna suck to get off.

what are your feelings on that being unfiltered without a hose going down either? As well as just a hose going from the valve breather just draining down. (figure with the hose at least dust wont go in too easily


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i personally wouldn't leave the half broken pcv valve in there. if the valve is broken and blocking the passage out you'r going to build pressure in your crank case (or could potentially build some) and i don't think it's worth the risk. there should be one 10mm bolt for the black box? i think, then it just wiggles off. it's not a big deal. you could just leave the hole open, any oil vapors would just collect in the back of the bay and or drip down the back of the block. but i would much rather prefer a little oil residue on the back of the motor then risk blowing my rings.

after pulling the black box out i'd source another one or clear the broken valve from that then stick it back on. then atleast you're protecting the block from dust. after that look into a drain hose. from there you can add a vented catch can. after that the next step would be going with a closed can and some creative vacuum sources.

whatever you do, just don't half ass it, i don't want to see you lose your rings because of a broken pcv valve :-)



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I have been thinking about this a lot lately and have ran across an idea that I wanted to run by here before I attempted it, to get some input on wether it may work or not.

I was going to build the system Luke described in another thread but was having trouble finding the right check valves to work near exhaust. Then looking at the factory system I thought...the line coming from the top of the black box will draw air when low RPM and cruising but should push the PCV valve closed under boost. So why not T the line before the PCV valve, replace the valve with a check valve and the open end run into the exhaust after the cat or where the cat would be (opps did I say that). I think I will still need to check valve that line which is where the problem is.

Other that getting the correct check valves I think it would work.
