burning oil


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ok so...everytime i get on high boost my car burns a bit of oil but it seems to be getting worse....need help...asap.. my engine is a jdm d15b so millage shouldnt be high...its been in the car for about 2000 miles and i boosted it right when i got it....

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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check for leaks....


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Do you have a oil restrictor on the turbo? It's possible your blowing oil past your seals into the charge pipe.


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check the turbo housing for oil inside it. if its there or your charge pips your seals are prolly gone or on there way to bein gone


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no luck.... the seals in the turbo seem to be good still...its my first build and a friend told me that my return line could be wrong...the turbo has no shaft play either...


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you didn't answer the q tho. are you running a restrictor or not? an improper drain would also lead to bad seals. take off the hot side charge pip and check the compressor for oil. picture of your drain line? it should be facing downward, with no kinks or sharp bends and should be as direct as possible.

if you checked the seals of the turbo and found no residual oil then it could be your rings. you can do back to back compression tests to check. look up wet vs dry compression test. you do the test, then fill the cylinder with a bit of oil, the oil fills up broken/cracked seals and if you see a HUGE bump in compression then it's likely to be bad rings.



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you didn't answer the q tho. are you running a restrictor or not? an improper drain would also lead to bad seals. take off the hot side charge pip and check the compressor for oil. picture of your drain line? it should be facing downward, with no kinks or sharp bends and should be as direct as possible.

if you checked the seals of the turbo and found no residual oil then it could be your rings. you can do back to back compression tests to check. look up wet vs dry compression test. you do the test, then fill the cylinder with a bit of oil, the oil fills up broken/cracked seals and if you see a HUGE bump in compression then it's likely to be bad rings.

no im not running a restrictor and tomorow im gonna check the charge pipes 2 c if got oil there


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no im not running a restrictor and tomorow im gonna check the charge pipes 2 c if got oil there
k. keep us posted and take a picture of your drain line if you could.. also, you should think about getting a restrictor in there. overtime that high pressure will start wearing down your seals. trust me i know from experience.



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k. keep us posted and take a picture of your drain line if you could.. also, you should think about getting a restrictor in there. overtime that high pressure will start wearing down your seals. trust me i know from experience.

yea im looking into getting one right now....and yes i will take a pic 2nite once i go 2 the garage bcuz i only drive my car when is nice out....otherwise i drive my beater neon haha


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hahah hell yeah!!! i like how the neon is the pos beater and the honda is the nice summer car. that's the way it should be :-)

check the compressor housing and exhaust housing for oil too and let us knwo whats up



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Either the turbo needs a rebuild or your rings are shot. Have you done a compression test?


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Either the turbo needs a rebuild or your rings are shot. Have you done a compression test?
bad news ppl turbo seals are blown...checked my charge pipes 2day and there is oil all over the place..
i haven't taken a pic of my return line but according 2 a friend thats wats wrong...it put 2 much pressure on the seals and blew them up...
