Turbo options


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Alright I keep hearing its cheaper to build your own turbo. First how much cheaper I'm looking at 350 to 400 hp. Second can someone put up a good complete parts list that I can go off of.


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Can I come out cheaper than Treadstone performance their turbos are about 1800.


R.I.P Stephen Jackson
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:google:first, then ask questions


Hard Core
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yes if you search around you can peice together a kit cheaper than buying one from a company. cheap ass ebay companies dont count


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You're going to turbo your motor and are hoping to get 350-400 but don't know what stuff you need to build a complete setup?


OH s**t!!!!!
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You're going to turbo your motor and are hoping to get 350-400 but don't know what stuff you need to build a complete setup?
hey alex, remember that one thread that i posted in about someone wanting to boost there car over the summer.. Same kinda deal here


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hey alex, remember that one thread that i posted in about someone wanting to boost there car over the summer.. Same kinda deal here
Haha yeah, but the other guy didn't seem this hopeless.


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you are going to need a lot more than a turbo kit. i dont think the treadstone kit would be ideal for your goals of 350-400whp. that log manifold will be quite a restriction, as well as the downpipe which i think is 2.5"

on top of that the stock motor could make the power with a good tuner but would be pushed beyond its reliable limits at that level. a simple piston and rod build on the stock sleeves would work.

dont forget your fueling and engnine management which are not included in the kit. larger injectors, a walbro 255 fuel pump, chipped obd1 ecu tuned by a qualified tuner.


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you are going to need a lot more than a turbo kit. i dont think the treadstone kit would be ideal for your goals of 350-400whp. that log manifold will be quite a restriction, as well as the downpipe which i think is 2.5"

on top of that the stock motor could make the power with a good tuner but would be pushed beyond its reliable limits at that level. a simple piston and rod build on the stock sleeves would work.

dont forget your fueling and engnine management which are not included in the kit. larger injectors, a walbro 255 fuel pump, chipped obd1 ecu tuned by a qualified tuner.
If you don't want to blow up put lower compression pistons. Whatever type R pistons are, they're too high for too much pounds of boost, unless you're sleeved and blah blah. Why turbo a type R though? Those are great N/A motors, use it what it was made for and build it N/A. If you want a boosted motor, get a b18c1 or b18b


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You need to do allot more research before you go jumping into a 400hp build. A kit alone won't get you there and be reliable. Boost isn't just some slap on forget about it thing. There is allot of things to think about before you boost. I started my build about 6 months ago and I've been studying boost every day, and I'm still learning new information every day that is helping me. I've read at least 600+ pages about FI and I still have a craving for more information. The more you know the better your end result will be.
