Zombie Survival Plan... Best place to go


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okay, so I will continue to dispute the cruise ship idea.

to go against your pros, this is a list of some of the cruise ship cons - operating the ship, powering the ship, maintenance, repairs, and the fact that the ship will begin to rust away at sea without care and a cruise ship is a great way to say "hey outlaws/pirates, look at me floating around all helpless, please come steal all my s**t"

just got another idea:

what about those small towns in the middle of the desert in like arizona? the zombies would never be able to walk that far, being as they are dead the vultures and coyotes would have a fukin field day tearing them into pieces while theyre trying to walk :rolf:
Its a good idea, because the heat might make them rot and fall apart, but the animal idea won't work. Think about the movies, I mean the original ones, like Night of the Living Dead and all the Romero remakes. Animals don't eat dead zombies. The only zombie animals that I know about are in Resident Evil and those were infected on purpose. I think the animals would tend to avoid the infected flesh.


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okay, so I will continue to dispute the cruise ship idea.

to go against your pros, this is a list of some of the cruise ship cons - operating the ship, powering the ship, maintenance, repairs, and the fact that the ship will begin to rust away at sea without care
1) operating the ship - why would we have to drive it anywhere anyways?
2) powering the ship - it runs off of diesel generators that drive electric motors. its like cranking up a john deere
3) maintenance - car guys could figure out how to maintain it. im a mechanical engineering major too
4) repairs - same 3
5) rusting ship - i used to zinc coat smaller boat bottoms when i was in high school. everything else can be painted

anything else? lol


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okay, so I will continue to dispute the cruise ship idea.

to go against your pros, this is a list of some of the cruise ship cons - operating the ship, powering the ship, maintenance, repairs, and the fact that the ship will begin to rust away at sea without care.
You not going to be at sea for like years and years. You just have to wait for the infection to be contained. And if you were going to be stuck out there forever aka no civilization only survivor I would just kill myself. You can only jackoff for so long.


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Okay, so you went to college to major in Mechanical Engineering giving you the ability to fix the ship. Where do you get the materials and tools? You'd have to come to port right or do they carry all that stuff on board?

What about the pirates?

Okay, the Arizona idea - why don't people live in deserts now? ohh yea, because its freaking hard to survive in the desert throw in zombies that don't need food or water, and its even more difficult to survive

NOTE - You are changing the rules, when has any infection ever "just gone away"?


Rubbin on yo booty
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im telling you dude.. wooden sandals, flying cloud puff, and samurai sworddddd huuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyawwwyyyyyyyy

K. Legaspi

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Nah but I think I'd carry an M4 and some ammo and for close combat I'd carry a pistol of some sort and a sword.

Still haven't made up my mind about where I'd stay.


Rubbin on yo booty
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just me.. imma be the gangsta with wooden sandals on the flying cloud puff


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28 days later? the infection never went away. they abandoned the whole country and it was overrun. but those aren't normal zombies, either, that infection was different. it was the whole rage thing, not dead person wants to eat live person thing.

toneekay, kenshin does not wear a skirt and his scar is under his eye... :lol:

i don't like the cruise ship idea. who said something about how to get to the ship in the first place? yeah, lots of people - i don't want to be lunch, thanks.

acting like one of them only works in shaun of the dead. :lol: think about it... they're going to know if you're alive or not. if you were in a room of sleeping people and some were actually dead... and you were walking amongst them... you'd know the difference. zombies would be the same, but on a baser level. they would instinctively know the difference between live and dead flesh - just like animals would.

btw... best. thread. ever. :lol:


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i need an electrician for my cruise ship. also a massage therapist, a small band (no emo s**t) and a bartender. PM me for a job application


Rubbin on yo booty
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^i wasnt trying to be kenshin though. i am TONY THE SAMURAI WARRIOR THAT KILLS ZOMBIES FOR A LIVING :evil:

dam i wish there was an online virtual game we could all play, like where zombies attacks everyone and s**t and we gotta find a way to survive.. with other people online, that would beeee sweeeetttt

we could then start a CC zombie survivor member crew :cool:


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^i wasnt trying to be kenshin though. i am TONY THE SAMURAI WARRIOR THAT KILLS ZOMBIES FOR A LIVING :evil:

dam i wish there was an online virtual game we could all play, like where zombies attacks everyone and s**t and we gotta find a way to survive.. with other people online, that would beeee sweeeetttt

we could then start a CC zombie survivor member crew :cool:
well, then.. kenshin > you, 'cuz you're wearing a skirt. :lol:

hey, isn't no regrets in game design? get on that s**t, yo. :lol:


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incredibly entertaining. got no work done in the past 2 hours
got no work done since.. i got in.. which was at 8am.. about 5hrs?

i remember when i use to play CS, they had a map with zombies and s**t.. where like if your on CT, your the good guys, and T was zombies.. it was fun, but my comp crashed and i cant find the server anymore =(


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got no work done since.. i got in.. which was at 8am.. about 5hrs?

i remember when i use to play CS, they had a map with zombies and s**t.. where like if your on CT, your the good guys, and T was zombies.. it was fun, but my comp crashed and i cant find the server anymore =(
which version of CS?? ive been playing since like v1.4 or 1.5. ive been addicted since early high school. the zombie map sounds cool though


Rubbin on yo booty
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i think they map the map like.. since steam 1.6, i been playin since beta.. 1.0 lololol quite a few years back.. havent had much time for it now since work and school is killllaaaaa... but s**t i wanna get back on and try to play that zombie map. s**t is baddass, its more like a zombie mod than anything.. you get bit, and your a zombie.. they have many maps too, its fun kuz on those maps, its like hella dark, and the lights all flash and stuff.. oo wee..

too bad i cant hop on cs at work =(
