You'll have 5 quarantine rooms, where anyone who wants to enter the compound, has to stay for 1 week. In that week, they get food and water, but this is mostly to watch to see if they are infected, and if they are, they can be exterminated.
Food and supplies: Food will be self sustained, alot of it will be grown in the compound, veggies and fruits. Any natural food sources on the island will be collected daily, and seeds will be planted so you don't eat it all, you'll have an endless supply.
Supplies will be taken from stores and military bases. Most of the ammo will be taken from military bases, and stored in a secure room in the compound (Preferably a room on the first floor, and some extra on each other floor). Fuel wlll also be taken from military bases and gas stations. 50 gallon drums will be stored in the basement, and a syphon system will be installed so the vehicle(s) can be fueled up. Vehicle(s) will ONLY be used when needed. (Transporting heavy supplies, ect.) All other times, either foot or bicycle will be used.