i just did and could not stop laughing!hahahaha NO! thats not me. those are guidos. google them.
i just did and could not stop laughing!hahahaha NO! thats not me. those are guidos. google them.
wheres the leather jacket fonzie? lol jp
I was at dorney park this weekend (amusement park), and their was a guido working the dominator. So my friend and I called him a fag boy guido and he didn't know what to say back. But it was funnygod, how is that attractive in any way?
i didnt know it was possible to tan that much and still not have skin cancer. im sure some of it is fake tan but.........
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I actually have a leather jacketwheres the leather jacket fonzie? lol jp
Damn Anfrey, thought you were born w/hair to your kanckles hehe, nice pic bromy rents and i on graduation night... yes, i did have short hair at some point in my life
me near the beginning of this month...
lolhard gay.
Oh man...look at t3h ANF! haha
High School:
* unavailable right now *
roflmao... yeah, that's right on the money...First one screams baller status. BUt the second you kind of look like a young vanilla ice.
Maybe I should take the second one down
*edited* lol