Total price of Boostin your car.


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99 Civic with D16Y8
Dont wanna do an engine swap so dont mention i can do it for cheaper. i wanna boost it.
I wondering what else i need outside of a kit (we'll say DRAG Turbo kit) im going to need and how much it normally runs. Im new to turbos and dont know what i need to have it fully completed. I dont want to end up spending a bunch of money on stuff i dont need, or not spending money on stuff i do need.
The car is STILL a daily driver.
Thanks in advance


Tin Foil Member
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My advice...Do your research and build your own kit. I built my own kit for about 1300 and thats with the tune. Do read up a lot on how things work..what your goals for the car are and base your build off that. A kit cost AT LEAST double that price and if i remember right the drag kit runs about 3-4k?


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alright. i can do that.
Is there any store in perticular that i should start at?


Tin Foil Member
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go to or org - i cant remember...and read up on there. there is a TON of info on that site.


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The search button is going to be your best friend...............

Go to the "post your turbo setup" secction and go thru that to kind of find out what you need. You can build your own kit from here and there or if you don't want to bother looking for parts and you have the money you can get a greddy or turbonetics kit for a good price, it's up to you.

...........and it all comes down to the tunner for a very reliable turbo setup.


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Do you have an Si or EX? your looking to boost your d16 but in your info it says 99Si................

2 cars or what?


Dr Tai tai
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eagle h beam - 300
vitara pistons - 125
water pump - 50
oil pump - 80
ACT 6 puck w/ xtreme pressure plate - 420
act street light flywheel - 200
arp head bolts - 100
cometic HG - 100
450 cc injectors - 50 getting my 750 cc soon in the mail
zex valve spring - 150
skunk2 TI retainers - 150
crower camshaft - 200
t3/t4 used - 200
t3t4 minor rebuilt kit- 60
manifold - 100
DP - 80
intercooler + pipe - 230
hks bov - 175
resistor box - 20
3 bar map sensor - 60
MSD wires, blaster coil, cap rotor - 125?
wastegate - 125
tuning hardware (ostrict, datalog) - 300
yea something like that for me... i went alil over board but yea.... u get the idea.... i was strictly for power gain... took about a week worth of time for everything in my backyard


That's my honda.
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Cost me a bit over $4K .. with fuel stuff and engine management as well.


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my first setup was around $1000 tuned. my newest one id say about 4-5k. including the built engine


New Member
5+ Year Member

Do you have an Si or EX? your looking to boost your d16 but in your info it says 99Si................

2 cars or what?
Cars an Si, but the engine blew and got replaced with a D16.
Thanks guys. ill get something put together i suppose!
