Someone kicked my car last night!


R.I.P Stephen Jackson
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just walk up and down the street kicking everyone else's car. eventually you'll get the person that wronged you.


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my dad is paranoid and my house is surrounded with security cams, one of which happens to be pointed right at my driveway. you should invest in this idea it works wonders

Black Magic

I'm Rick James, b***h
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just walk up and down the street kicking everyone else's car. eventually you'll get the person that wronged you.
haha. not a bad idea, actually.

my dad is paranoid and my house is surrounded with security cams, one of which happens to be pointed right at my driveway. you should invest in this idea it works wonders
I want to get a camera over looking the driveway. Hopefully some time soon. I dont have many mods, but I'm gonna need to up the security on my car too.


Rubbin on yo booty
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what if its a possom or something that just happened to jump into the side of your 1/4 panel? ever think of that?

Black Magic

I'm Rick James, b***h
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Maybe. I find it hard to picture a possum wearing a grown person's shoe, though. :P

Whoever kicked it had dirty shoes and you could see the shoe's bottom stamped on the car.

Black Magic

I'm Rick James, b***h
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Its dark outside, I'll post up some pics tomorrow. I tried bumping it out a bit, but its still noticeable to me.


uber noob
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what kinda neighborhood do you live in dude?

yeah drunk vandals suck...

Black Magic

I'm Rick James, b***h
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what kinda neighborhood do you live in dude?

yeah drunk vandals suck...
Its a pretty good neighborhood actually, this is the first time I've had anything vandalized. Don't know anyone else who's had their s**t stolen or vandalized on my block. Its just that all the kids are all growing up now so crap like this is bound to happen. Hopefully they'll eventually grow out of it.

What like a Bruce Lee possum or some s**t?
whoa, whoa, whoa, thats a WHOLE other story then! ;)


i'm a mod now
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damn that suck dude get some security camera ASAP

Black Magic

I'm Rick James, b***h
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I'm so glad I never got this fixed, because in Sept, this happened while at school:

Again, bitches be hating. What did Rhonda ever do to you to deserve this BS!? This is the worst panel on the whole god damn car to get a dent in. I'm still thankful, though... coulda been worse!

This is what I think of whoever is responsible for this....


s_crowley 17

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I almost had the EXACT same dent.. my sister backed into me in the driveway on her way to work..

Well maybe mine was worse... does that make you feel any better?
