installing vacuum hoses for the tial 38


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Im going thru some issues. My set up consist of Tial (BOV and WASTEGATE) Eldelbrock Intake Manifold, Fasturbo Vacuum Block (connected from the one of the optional plugs on the Eldelbrock IM) and I have install a EBC (eCtune) as well.
For the wastegate Top connector one is already install on my EBC (eCtune) on #2.
Now the side port connector of the wastegate it suppose to go Before Throttle plate (intake manifold).
Now what it suppose to be the throttle plate, Is it the Throttle body itself? Is it the round flat (door) that opens and closed on the throttle body? If the vacuum suppose to go before this, how about the little nipple on the throttle body itself (top one right next to the Map Sensor) , Can this be consider before the throttle plate?
If we suppose to connect a vacuum hose from the side of the Wastegate to before the throttle plate, how come the mayority of the intercooler pipings kits that I see don't have this on them already?

what should I do please?


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I have that info as well, Its just confusing since for the side port of the wastegate is asking to install a vacuum hose hose from there to a place BEFORE the trottle plate.

If throttle plate means throttle body then i will have to plug/weld a nipple BEFORE the throttle body in the intercooler piping. I was curious if I could have use the nipple that is on the throttle body itself like the one showing in the pictures.
Right on top in front of the map sensor.


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just hook it up to your vacuum manifold. screw all the before/ after throttle body blah blah blah.. it just needs a pressure source. since your intake manifold is the most reliable place to take that reference and your vac mani is hooked up there.. voila you have a spot to hook it up.


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If your turbo has a nipple on it you're supposed to use that.
if you use that that will measure the amount of pressure at the turbo which is higher than at the intake manifold due to pressure drop from the intercooler.
