started my turbo build today


Hell yea I suck toes!
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you know what dude? i'm startin to recognize that you're the most annoying person on this site. every time someone makes a post, you chime in with your little smart remarks. every time someone asks a question, all you can say is research. i'm starting to think that maybe YOU are the one who doesnt know s**t. this is a damn forum. people come here with questions and advice and opinions, and to help out their peers. if you dont like it, then f**k off. keep your opinions to yourself man
i stick to what im good at :cool:

Chief Slapaho

Registered Tuner
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so your doing internals to a car thats going to be pushing little boost? 5-6 psi on what kinda of turbo? if its a t25greddy kit your wasting your time with internals just get the arps and your done. no need for all that other s**t. the lower compression vitaras are going to hurt you more than anything.
my motor has 197k miles on it and once i blow this, which will be soon, i'll be wanting to push more psi on a fresh y8. therefor i will need these parts eventually anyways, whether i install them on this motor or not.
