My 2000 Honda Civic!

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that civic.
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5+ Year Member
Are those smoked si tails from ebay by chance?


I like pie.
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5+ Year Member
ebay trim dash kit for the climate control?

pretty clean~


Initiate brain dump in...
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5+ Year Member
Props for a fellow Wisconsinite (born and raised) :thumbs up.

But... I'm not digging the Si badge on the trunk. 7th gen badges just look weird on 6th gens.

I do like the TypeR gauge trim though. I should have mine tomorrow. Good looking car man, it could use a little "fine" tuning though.


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Whats so JDM about it?

Tails, clusterfuck around the cluster, Not a fan, climate control piece, z3 fenders or whatever those ugly things are...all :thumbdown.

Front lip, OEM fenders, OEM tails, lose all the bling gauges, and OEM climate control piece would be a good start.

N/A D-Series

Its so funny how flippidy floppidy the opinions are here. Either people hate it or they love it. Its JDM because its a civic. I think its clean and thats all the really mattters me to me cleanliness. As you can see it doesn't have a wacked out body kit or anything ridiculous chrome wheels. The only "cluster" of things you must be speaking off is my Navagation and my radar detector.

I'm not mad, I respect everyone's opinion and I thank you for the responses. Keep them coming.
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