the front end is very interesting. the engine is pretty cool. I just think the rest of it looks homiesexual
ya thank you finally . ya its fine to say u dont like it but its absurd to say its not a nice car. to each his own . but the known is known .I can HONESTLY say I don't like the car. But props whoever put that much work into, and most of that stuff can't be taken off easily for when you plan on selling the car.
i never said it was an oem si lip. its a mugen.Ohh and you have to BLIND and DUMB for saying that is an OEM Si front lip. Noobs.
wow this thread went WAAAAYYY off topic overnight...... cleaned it up and i will be keeping an eye on it. further off topic posts will result in warnings. dont be the straw on the camels back please.
guys, if you dont use the report button, a mod might not come across all the situation until it has turned into chaos. please use the report button.
oh, and for the record: if you post pictures of your ride in the members rides section you are basically asking for peoples opinions on your car. there will always be positive and negative comments and respecting those comments is a must. if you dont like it them, dont post your car.
9. The golden forum rule: "if you don't like it, don't click it" Respect each other. Show maturity. Be civil. Don’t call each other names (unless you are friends bullshitting). Don’t come on here to be an a*****e. Have some tact. It’s ok to disagree with someone. It’s even ok to tell them that you think that they have an ugly car (should they ask for your opinion). What is not ok is to be directly slanderous. You can say whatever you want; it’s all in how you say it.
(Ok) “ I have to say I don’t like your car at all, the color combo and rims are just really hideous” or “no way man superchargers are not as good on Hondas in my opinion, go with a turbo”
(Not OK) “Your car is f**king ugly and you are a stupid f**king ricer. If you are lucky you will crash it and die” or “I cant believe you want a supercharger, you must be a complete dip-s**t. You obviously have no f**king clue about anything car related…. Jump off a cliff and die”. It is also important to remember that just because you did not "start the argument", it is not ok to become part of the argument. Inentionally making comments to try to agitate others will not be tolerated. If you find a particular member that you do nto get along with please ignore them.
As bad as the headlights are, I have seen RX8 tails on a 6th gen coupe.......Parts should stay on their rightful cars
Just my opinion
start with staying on topicI'm so lost, where do i begin?
First of all, not liking the color, rsx headlights? that's a no no, sk2 tails doesn't look right, sideskirts are hideous, stickers won't make your car fast, and bumpers don't look good, shaved side molding don't look good either, rims are too big (you must waste a lot of gas), other than that you've done a good job.start with staying on topic