thats very true.. but the consequences for not helping them was an issue too. i'm not disagreeing with you but thats the issue with alot of people. its not an easy answer. you bail out a company and you get this laundry list of issues. you dont bail out a company and you get this other laundry list of issues.I think we opened Pandora's box when we allowed the 1st bailout. While it may be true that our economy could have ended up in another depression if we hadn't, we sent out a message to all ceo's, "No matter the risks you take Big Brother will be here to save your ass when you're doing bad, and let you keep your huge profits when your doing good". It's utter bullshit cause now everyone's crying wolf. Did AIG really need that money? Look how well they spent it. I think companies should be held responsible for their mistakes.
in my opinion, the market should have been left to run its course. we might have only put it off the inevitable depression for the time being. obviously, AIG saw it fit to use bailout money for vacations. taking a quote from SNL.. "not even the mafia uses stolen money that soon"