What ethnicity are you?


OG スバリスト
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–noun 1. a group of persons related by common descent or heredity.
2. a population so related.
3. Anthropology. a. any of the traditional divisions of humankind, the commonest being the Caucasian, Mongoloid, and Negro, characterized by supposedly distinctive and universal physical characteristics: no longer in technical use.
b. an arbitrary classification of modern humans, sometimes, esp. formerly, based on any or a combination of various physical characteristics, as skin color, facial form, or eye shape, and now frequently based on such genetic markers as blood groups.
c. a human population partially isolated reproductively from other populations, whose members share a greater degree of physical and genetic similarity with one another than with other humans.

race is white.. asian.. spanish.. etc.. GROUPS of ethnic backgrounds that share similar traits..
there are different races out there, but there are no pure races. your point was that there is a "pure white" race. there isn't. look at the definitions you posted. they all mention SIMILARITY, as did your conclusion. they share similar traits. this does not make a pure race. it is not homogeneous.


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ok first off, know something before you post.

i'm a WOMAN, my mother is native american; Cherokee from the black foot tribe of tennessee. my father is scottish. my education was damn near free, and no i'm not bragging, just stating.
I couldn't see throw the screen that you were a WOMAN sorry! :puppyeyes I feel bad for you now. :lol:


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there are different races out there, but there are no pure races. your point was that there is a "pure white" race. there isn't. look at the definitions you posted. they all mention SIMILARITY, as did your conclusion. they share similar traits. this does not make a pure race. it is not homogeneous.
you may state there is no "pure white" race.. others will disagree.. your coment that we all lead back to one place in time is valid in the sense that we all originate as one type of being.. but time and enviorment have molded people differently... to say that a white european is different than an asian korean... there are tons of obvious differences.. "white people" generally look differently than "black people" its not relevant that at one point in evolution there were not black and white people, at this point in time there are..


Ex-Gang Member
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race is white.. asian.. spanish.. etc.. GROUPS of ethnic backgrounds that share similar traits..
but spanish is straight European tho isn't it? that would make them f**kers PURE white too, am I right? :???:

I hear a rumor going around town that Asian's have little PP's...

you don't say..... :shock:

I started a e-race riot on muchosucko once :lol: I got banned for a few weeks over it.
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OG スバリスト
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you may state there is no "pure white" race.. others will disagree.. your coment that we all lead back to one place in time is valid in the sense that we all originate as one type of being.. but time and enviorment have molded people differently... to say that a white european is different than an asian korean... there are tons of obvious differences.. "white people" generally look differently than "black people" its not relevant that at one point in evolution there were not black and white people, at this point in time there are..
opinion has nothing to do with this bud. it doesn't matter if anyone agrees or disagrees. this is about facts. your examples are good for showing differences in race, but proves nothing in terms of the existance of a "pure race." all you need to do is to show us a purely homogenous population and you'll have proven race purity to the entire world. all races and local subracial types are the products of physical mixture.

c'mon anthony, i know you're smarter than to argue that there are any pure races in this world.


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but spanish is straight European tho isn't it? that would make them f**kers PURE white too, am I right? :???:
spanish as in spanish from the country of spain? sure.. spanish as in south america is confusing because many are mixed with the natives of those south american nations..


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opinion has nothing to do with this bud. it doesn't matter if anyone agrees or disagrees. this is about facts. your examples are good for showing differences in race, but proves nothing in terms of the existance of a "pure race." all you need to do is to show us a purely homogenous population and you'll have proven race purity to the entire world.

i guess you win since you are making up your own definition for the word race.. how can you argue with someone making up whatever definition they want..



OG スバリスト
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i guess you win since you are making up your own definition for the word race.. how can you argue with someone making up whatever definition they want..

i think you fail to understand the concept of what a pure race is. i'm not making up any definitions here. race, as defined in your dictionary copy/paste, is about similar traits and genetics. a pure race is one that is not similar, but 100% homogeneous. there are no pure races.


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i think you fail to understand the concept of what a pure race is. i'm not making up any definitions here.
sure you are.. there is not definition for "pure race" but if you put those two words together thats where im saying you are simply deciding what pure is.. when you look up the word race.. it means exactly what i posted.. so "pure race" regardless of what you think.. would be a race that is not "mixed" with another thus making it pure.. you can go on for days about how no one is "pure white" or pure whatever.. and im sure there will be countless people who will argue that point with you.. if you consider irish (for example) to be "white" than saying a %100 pure irish person is something other than %100 white is silly to me.. what are they white and asian? or maybe they are part black?


OG スバリスト
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sure you are.. there is not definition for "pure race" but if you put those two words together thats where im saying you are simply deciding what pure is.. when you look up the word race.. it means exactly what i posted.. so "pure race" regardless of what you think.. would be a race that is not "mixed" with another thus making it pure.. you can go on for days about how no one is "pure white" or pure whatever.. and im sure there will be countless people who will argue that point with you.. if you consider irish (for example) to be "white" than saying a %100 pure irish person is something other than %100 white is silly to me.. what are they white and asian? or maybe they are part black?
practical definition vs academic definition. i'm arguing purity as 100% homogeneous, and you're arguing purity as "no interbreeding with a distinctly different modern race."

we continued our discussion on aim, since it was quicker and less hassle. my apologies to all spectators.


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practical definition vs academic definition. i'm arguing purity as 100% homogeneous, and you're arguing purity as "no interbreeding with a distinctly different modern race."

we continued our discussion on aim, since it was quicker and less hassle. my apologies to all spectators.
No need to apologize,

It was like Daddy smacked Mommy at the dinner table, lol



OG スバリスト
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lol.. nah, every time anthony and i have a discussion, we both end up having to think hard and reevaluate some of the stuff we've learned along the way. in the end, we both end up satisfied.


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Trinidadian (A country in the Caribbean, kinda in the same area as Latin-America), and 1/8 Tibetan


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lol.. nah, every time anthony and i have a discussion, we both end up having to think hard and reevaluate some of the stuff we've learned along the way. in the end, we both end up satisfied.
haha only playing,

I agree on the re-learning, Anthony has opened my eyes to a couple things in the past as well.


Bustin windows outcha car
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Trinidadian (A country in the Caribbean, kinda in the same area as Latin-America), and 1/8 Tibetan
No way Trinidad & Tobago rocks...bake-n-shark + Carnival ftw!!


OG スバリスト
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haha only playing,

I agree on the re-learning, Anthony has opened my eyes to a couple things in the past as well.
it all came down to how we were defining pure race. i was using a pureply academic sociologist definition of pure race. anthony was using a more practical, modern definition of pure race. in the end, we were both correct.
