warm up car?


OG スバリスト
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i wouldn't. where i live in chile is really hilly and mountanous. we'd always park our cars in gear, with the handbrake up, and the wheels pointed in the proper direction should either of them fail


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i let my car warm up for 30 minutes until the temp gauge goes to normal then turn it off lol, if anyone is wondering i don't drive my eg everyday it just sits in the garage until spring comes again


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I had a Compustar alarm in my 99 and for the remote start to work you had to park it in neutral, e-brake up, remove the key and the car would keep running and as soon as the door shut, the car tuned off and armed itself. Then all you had to do in the morning was press a button to crank it. I loved that alarm.


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it was completely accidental that i left my car in gear. i NEVER do that. i just remote started it and heard it start cranking then CRUNCH, and i run out there and my car is sitting there trying to drive through the wall.


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u should be more concerned about the cool down time than anything

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

Scamming Piece Of s**t
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u should be more concerned about the cool down time than anything
haha water cooled turbo FTW !!!

i still let the motor run for a min or 2 b4 i turn it off though

it was completely accidental that i left my car in gear. i NEVER do that. i just remote started it and heard it start cranking then CRUNCH, and i run out there and my car is sitting there trying to drive through the wall.
lol ouch....ive always thought about that....thats crazy lol
