Idle problems & smoking.


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I had just recently boosted my 2000 Civic Si at 7psi. Motor is really clean and mint. Not tuned yet. When I start the car, the rpm bounces back and forth at 1 to 2.5 and this happens for about 5-10mins before it will cool down at 1 again. My downpipe does not have an o2 sensor, so would that be the problem? I've gotten responses that it could also be a sensor that I have to delete? Lastly, when the car is moving at about 50mph in 5th gear the car starts smoking white smoke all over the place. I have no clue what that is... anyone have any ideas? Comments will be appreciated! =)

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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why would you drive the car when it has no tune ???....alteast get a basemap chip for the ecu....that cant be good if your driving it with no tune....especially if you are hitting are leaning it out which is going to cause probs sooner or later.....idk id be real careful if i was you....

where is the white smoke coming from.....could be excess grease burning off the mani and turbo....or something is leaking....not completely sure maybe some other ppl will have better answers for you


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Yeah if your, "Motor is really clean and mint" it won't be for long if you keep driving it without a tune. My rpms go up and down a little bit when I'm warming it up too, I was told it was the iacv valve but I never did anything about it. :lol:

as for the smoke, my turbo burns a little smoke when I'm at about full boost which is normal but it doesn't smoke that much. Is your turbo water cooled btw? Could also be that your head gasket is going, I know you said your motor is mint but driving your car around without a tune can f**k your engine up dude.
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I'm running Crome with basemap.
Nope, not watercooled. Sorry for not giving specs earlier.

Precision sc61
RC 550 Injectors
Walbro 255lph Fuel Pump
Spoolin Performance Mini Ram
2.25 IC Pipings and 27'x6 FMIC (I think)
38mm Tial WG w/ 7PSI Spring
3 inch downpipe w/ dt welded on (No o2 bung)
3 inch Kteller exhaust
p28 ECU w/ Crome Basemap

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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ok good to know your atleast running a crome basemap !!

sounds like maybe your iacv is outta car used to idle funny until it warmed up as well....figured out the iacv wasnt plugged in all the way.....fixed that and now the car idles i would suspect it has to do with the iacv....maybe take it apart and clean it with brake cleaner...i know a lot of ppl that actually have probs with the iacv......

the smoke hmmm im not sure....did it just recently start smoking or how long have you been turbo'd ? and how long has it been smoking ? when you first install the turbo its going to smoke to burn off all the grease your hands put on it.....but if its still smoking like after a week or 2 then something is wrong...


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Thanks bro, I'll check my iacv. I've been boosted for about a month er so. When I put it on, I let it warm up to get the grease off the manifold. Then when I took it on the street to cruise; on 5th gear at 50mph it starts smoking white smoke straight from the exhaust out.

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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like coming out of the exhaust?....white smokes means your burning coolant...

blue smoke is smoke is excess fuel....and white smoke is coolant...

hmmmm maybe your Headgasket blew.....but i dont want to say that because thats big step to change....idk hopefully you'll figure it out and let us know !


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Also, it's throwing the o2 sensor code and some other code. I'm pretty sure it's IACV. I'll pop that out later today and I'll tell you wsup! Thanks man.


Taking an H-T break
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Thanks bro, I'll check my iacv. I've been boosted for about a month er so. When I put it on, I let it warm up to get the grease off the manifold. Then when I took it on the street to cruise; on 5th gear at 50mph it starts smoking white smoke straight from the exhaust out.

I have bets it wont make it another month or so! WHOS IN ON SOME ACTION?


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I'll bet you it will.
you need to get that o2 sensor in there your probley running rich and your turbo seals are probley blown out if your car is not lossing any coolant or overheating ...check your turbo where the air filter goes and see if there is oil all spun around in there .....


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check all your vacuum lines really carefully too... you may have a leak somewhere.. just a thought. what kind of pcv setup are you using? that could be your smoke problem if its oil. either excessive blow by, or an unbaffled catch can will suck oil through your motor. are you using arp headstuds? if not, i would assume you need a new hg. even with a good tune, hondas are really prone to headlift and will blow the hg eventually with stock studs.


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I was warming up the car and decided to mess with the 2step... while I was doing that oil shot out the exhaust....


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check all your vacuum lines really carefully too... you may have a leak somewhere.. just a thought. what kind of pcv setup are you using? that could be your smoke problem if its oil. either excessive blow by, or an unbaffled catch can will suck oil through your motor. are you using arp headstuds? if not, i would assume you need a new hg. even with a good tune, hondas are really prone to headlift and will blow the hg eventually with stock studs.
Nope, no headstuds.

AE Motoring

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you sure it was oil and just not exhaust and condinsation mixture?, take a pic of your oil return lip to your oil pan, if its kinked or not returning right at a good angle, it can back up into the turbo and it WILL blow out your turbo seals...on another note, do a compression test and leak down test to just make sure your motor is still ok, make sure u didnt fry any rings and wat not. If your boosting that motor with no A/F tune in boost. chances are u can crack a sleeve (white smoke coolant into cylinders) blown rings another cause for smoke. Dont wanna scare you but these are thing u need to be aware of when turboing your motor. And as for your idle problem, i would check all Vac conntections


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if you are using stock headstuds... my money is on a blown head gasket.


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your problem is probably the IACV, most vacuum leaks will cause a steady high idle.


Turbo B!!
5+ Year Member
if oil shot out of your exhaust you've probably got a blown seal in the turbo, my buddies eclipse gsx did the same s**t


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19999 honda civic si

i have no clue how to start my own thread...
but i had a few questions i needed answered by someone... so i have a 99 honda civic si when i start it up no smoke but when i rev it up or start to drive it begins to smoke a blue ish smoke well im thinking oil right... so i had my got new pistons rods and rings.... new oil filter thinking it would fix the problem well it didnt!... it still smokes it has a turbo so the last thing i could think is to get the turbo fix...
