Ugh... f**king doctors suck. Now they expect me to change hospitals and obgyn's just because some f**king dickhead ultrasonographer with a 2 year degree thinks he's a doctor and can call all the shots just because I've got excellent health insurance and they can pump the s**t out of them $$$$ wise. But the ulstrasonographer called in a pediatric cardiologist they work along side with to take a look at my child's heart in my womb and he even said with one of my other ultrasonographers that the two veins they have been watching since August isn't a concern now as of last Tuesday. So why in the f**king hell would it be a concern now to swtich from a level 2 hospital where my obgyns deliver at to a level 3 hospital where I have to be rand0mly given an obgyn whom I've never met, never talked to about my medical histroy just so they can pop this kid out and do as many tests as possible to make sure ONCE a-f**king-gain my childs heart isn't an issue? Tell me I'm not over exagerating here. I've got less than 30 days until her due date.
Oh btw.. a key piece of information... pediatric cardiologist has never been in contact with my obgyn's concerning the surveying of my child's heart. Only the ultrasonographers talk to the pediatric cardiologist and the ultrasonographers relay that information to my obgyn's. And after talking to both of my obgyn's I asked if they can request to be at that level 3 hospital to deliver my child and I was told they were not able to do that. I call bullshit.
Oh btw.. a key piece of information... pediatric cardiologist has never been in contact with my obgyn's concerning the surveying of my child's heart. Only the ultrasonographers talk to the pediatric cardiologist and the ultrasonographers relay that information to my obgyn's. And after talking to both of my obgyn's I asked if they can request to be at that level 3 hospital to deliver my child and I was told they were not able to do that. I call bullshit.