

New Member
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Im going to turbo charge my 94 EX coupe my turbo set up runs both oil and water lines i know where the oil lines go but where is the best place to hook up my water line thanks


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throttle body

Unuzual Kustum

4DR Sleeper
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5+ Year Member
You can run water lines from one of the loops near the throttle body.


New Member
5+ Year Member
thanks for the help if anyone have links or pic on how to do this please post them and thank you


No Boost! No Life!
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5+ Year Member
Im going to turbo charge my 94 EX coupe my turbo set up runs both oil and water lines i know where the oil lines go but where is the best place to hook up my water line thanks
Head to a hardware store and buy a T fitting.
Then tap the water temperature sensor with the T. You'll be able to run the wate line to the turbo and keep your water temperature sensor in place.

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

Scamming Piece Of s**t
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theirs a line that goes from the head to the throttle body....disconnect it a line from the head to the turbo....and then from the turbo to the throttle body....its easy


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theirs a line that goes from the head to the throttle body....disconnect it a line from the head to the turbo....and then from the turbo to the throttle body....its easy
thats what i would do
