which spoiler is good??


No Fun
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5+ Year Member
Totally off topic, but I just want to know if my superman vision is working and if I can still see what you license plate reads. BIS5396???
LMAO thats funny! :rolf::haha::haha:

I agree the 99 SI or if you are adimit about aftermarket, I would say something like the M3 Spoiler, just something that comes off the car a little but not ALOT, I currently have an aluminum Spoiler on mine, not sure if I like it anymore, thinking about going twoards a M3 style. Not happy with the ones on like Ebay because they are like an inch big which is dumb. Might have to custome make it! My opinion but anyone else agree? Here is an example!



back again
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
get a 99-00 oem spoiler, the mid-range height kind. I just got one of the OEM replicas shipped to my home, and can't wait to get it painted and installed. Clean and nice always looks good.


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Go with no spoiler unless you completely HAVE to have one
The only thing not ricy about my car is that it has no spoiler and it looks great
IMO spoiler bigger than OEM = :lame:rice:
