boost controller cheap or not?


addicted to Boost
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
I was looking around for a boost controller and found one for dirt cheap on ebay. Are ebay one's no good or are they just like the more expensive units? I'm really low on $$$, so If the ebay mbc's are good, that would be great. Please let me know guys.
ps if the ebay one's are junk, tell me a good but inexpensive brand of mbc that I sould get. Heres a link to the ebay one. click here


Hard Core
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
i got a turbo xs manual boost controller for cheap but i dont have my car boosted yet. i've seen alot of people run turboxs stuff and like it.


addicted to Boost
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
yes but those are like 50 bucks. I'f this one that is 10 dollars is good, I'd be very happy with it.


Registered VIP
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10+ Year Member
i heard they boost i didnt want to take my chances


New Member
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5+ Year Member
A manual boost controller is a really simple device. You can make one yourself, but its not really worth it. I'm using an old turboxs mbc and haven't had a single problem with it. If you are going to cheap out on something thats probably the thing to do it on.

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

Scamming Piece Of s**t
Registered VIP
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5+ Year Member
i bet it would work just fine...i myself am using a hallmans mbc that i picked up off ebay for 50 bucks....i would think that it would work....but you have the chance of getting boost creep and stuff...


addicted to Boost
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
i bet it would work just fine...i myself am using a hallmans mbc that i picked up off ebay for 50 bucks....i would think that it would work....but you have the chance of getting boost creep and stuff...
yeah, but I didn't want to take a chance. Thats why I just went with the turbonetics one. only 30=)
