Hi stolibears, well, as you can see from my pics, those washers were not fitting at all... After emailing back-and-forth with Chris for 2 days, they came to an abrupt end after he requested I measure the bore of the bearing & the outer diameter of the washers. I supplied him with measurements using a ruler (that was the only instrument I have available), he then requested I take measurements with dial calipers. I don't have dial calipers!! After I tell him I don't have dial calipers, he stopped corresponding. Pretty much left me hanging.
Earlier, he had mentioned that he has some extra hardware there, but doesn't want to waste money on shipping if it is hardware I already have. Honestly, this really pissed me off, because as a Skunk2 customer, I would assume that helping the customer, regardless of a couple of dollars on shipping, would be the primary concern, but obviously they don't really give a s**t. I am thinking about writing a complaint.
I asked my boyfriend about the washers and he said that Skunk2 includes all of that hardware in their kit, because they assume that all civics D & B series are all the same and that it is up to the customer's discretion to use the appropriate washers, i.e. not using some of the included washers.
I ended up not using those washers that would not fit and just used smaller washers I found laying in my garage. So far, there has not been any problems with the shifter itself and how I currently have it set-up right now, but I am still pissed that they didn't send me the ones that fit, as you apparently have in your write-up...
Thanks a lot for your reply and your pictures in the write-up, it really helped me out.