The Hated Honda!


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Anyone notice that among people who dislike all imports, Honda is disliked the most?

I have noticed that on youtube people seem to despise honda's and especially civics as being the epitomy of rice.

You can go into a civic video on youtube and see five different people flaming about how civics are ricers and civics suck and this and that... You can see that in any import car video but it seems to be more concentrated in civic vids...

Also I have spoken to friends who drive things like neon's or as they prefer to call them VR-4's or whatever, and cobalts and other domestic cars llike them.. and they all seem to dislike honda's the most.

Why is this? Have we as honda owners given ourselves a bad name or do they dislike us because hondas are in fact the biggest competition?

What are your thoughts


R.I.P Stephen Jackson
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This is a joke, right?


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wtf really?


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No people just hate cause they are good cars, have decent styling and good aftermarket support and kick ass. And most of the time they got there ass spanked buy one and dont want to admit it and dreadd seeing one cause they dont know what to expect. Oh yeah we get better gas milage even with having 2 or 300 hundred HP and were not dying at the pump.


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I couldn't tell you really... I think it's because we've got the closest car to whoop their asses.. without actually being able to whoop their asses..

I mean, they could try to make fun of subaru.. but then an STi comes by and whoops ass... They could try to make fun of mitsu, but then an evo pops up... they could try to make fun of an italian car... but.. well there's no need to explain that one.

A civic is an easy target for most domestic guys... However, with a light bit of modding, a civic becomes a decent competitor to these mustangs and camaros that all of the domestic guys are driving. I could be way off on this.. but if I had to come up with a reason, that'd be it.

If not, oh well, I tried.


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" However, with a light bit of modding, a civic becomes a decent competitor to these mustangs and camaros that all of the domestic guys are driving."

im sure a light bit of modding isnt gonna do much when racing a mustang or camaro...

yeah my last post was unclear


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Where did the rice thread from today go?


R.I.P Stephen Jackson
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I think the OP deleted her account. We can still go find her on other forums and harass her.


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I love my Civic as it is, bone stock (6th gen). I do not like 5th generation or later Civics.

The only small cars that are cooler - Toyota Celica GT4 AWD, Honda Fit and Mini.

For the price, the 6th generation is the best looking, best handling (wishbone independent suspension) and sufficiently fast car.


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I wonder if she's the same one who posted in the 7th gen section... because somebody's posts disappeared in there too... Strange.
