If there's hail strong enough to chip your wheels you have more problems to worry about.well my car is already full of hail damage. I'm more worried about it chipping my wheels.
their coming out with a new one next month its called a Rey Rey,..Guaranteed to get you lost!that makes me want to go buy a TomTom
f**k yeah!!phish show tonight. looks like we'll be mudding down the lawn
the reyrey will only have liquor stores programmed into its destinations database.their coming out with a new one next month its called a Rey Rey,..Guaranteed to get you lost!
HA!!! LMAO!!the reyrey will only have liquor stores programmed into its destinations database.
that's a decent view!
yup ohio yeah too bad too i have an itch to go fast on cornerswhere is that ohio or somethin?
So i take it you won't be at the autoX tomorrow lol?