not putting any body kits on your car..
Try driving naked too, drops a good ~5 pounds...stage 5 weight reduction. basically remove everything except the steering column, driver seat (optional: if you can drive standing up in your car it reduces more weight), and the engine. oh yeah the transmission stays too.
The insides very rarely get a permanent film on them. It's on the outside. Scrubbing the inside will probably damage your lights.Hey sorry for the dumb question but I just want to make sure. This is for getting that nasty yellow haze off the inside of your headlights right ?
RESTOREING Your Milky HeadLight! (Not Sure if this already been posted)
I just did this Today and u wont beleive how it came out. Cost was $12.21
Things needed
-2000 grit SandPaPer (can be bought a local AutoZone/Pepboy) (you can aslo start with a 1000 are lower grit and work for way down)
-Meguiars Plast X (or any kind of clear plastic cleaner are scratch remover)
-Some Water
-100% cotton towel
-Frist wet your headlights aswell as ur Sandpaper
-Sand your headlights in an even side to side montion, you will see this yellow stuff comeing off (thats good)
-Sand as much as need
-clean dry and sand again
-After sanding is done dry it off
-Apply the Meguiars Plast X ( or plastic scratch remover)
-Holes it down and your Done
that adds 30 HP too!put some neons all over the interior
just steam cleaned my entire interior. took all the seats out and everything. makes the car look 80% new!vacuum & shampoo the carpet & seats. clean the inside of all your windows. rain-x is great. i like keeping at least one trash bag under the passenger side seat to put trash in. i can't really think of anything else right now.