Honestly, you may like the look of the lip, but it looks "thrown on". It's an OEM style lip from a different generation, and it doesn't flow with the body, thus why people don't like it. An OEM SiR lip would look really good IMO. Call it played out if you want, but that's because it WORKS with this car. Being different just for the sake of being different isn't a good justification. Would you throw 22" wheels on your car to be "different"? Honestly, there isn't much that hasn't already been done in a scene this large and a car so common. If it's what you like, then great, but you can't expect to get positive opinions from everyone on what you do with it.
That being said, I dislike Rotas for copying other wheels, and the lip looks like garbage unpainted. It's a clean base, start with a few quality genuine parts to really set it off.
on the visors. Quality and functional parts are by far the best thing you can do for you and your car.