**Official CC Gun Thread**


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gravedigging ...I KNOWW but just wanted to ask whats everybody's input on the p90 ruger?
its chambered in a .45? i generally find the .45 to be an overkill knd of round.. be mindfull that many rounds will over penetrate and may hit targets behind your target.. this is where hollowpoint type ammunition comes into play.. but i personally prefer a .40 with more rounds and less recoil..


names Brenton
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yo fools guess what... well I'll show you.

Sweet another psychotic gun owner. :roll:

Story about the gun. Its a Hi-Point 9mm Carbine. Made 20 minutes away in Mansfield, OH. :thumbs up Friend bought it, decided he needed some cash to take some girl out. PAHA she ugly too so his lost. $130 and has a Red-Dot. Priced them at $200 at the shop.

Dad was pissed at me for getting a gun he wanted.. Oh well.. He has enough as it is.

I did some target shooting.. It shoots real nice, nice little clusters, just needs to have the sight adjusted down somewhat. (shoots low by 2-3 inches at ~15 yards)

EDIT: damn this thread is old as balls.. only one i found though

$lick Rick

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Sweet another psychotic gun owner. :roll:

Story about the gun. Its a Hi-Point 9mm Carbine. Made 20 minutes away in Mansfield, OH. :thumbs up Friend bought it, decided he needed some cash to take some girl out. PAHA she ugly too so his lost. $130 and has a Red-Dot. Priced them at $200 at the shop.

Dad was pissed at me for getting a gun he wanted.. Oh well.. He has enough as it is.

I did some target shooting.. It shoots real nice, nice little clusters, just needs to have the sight adjusted down somewhat. (shoots low by 2-3 inches at ~15 yards)

EDIT: damn this thread is old as balls.. only one i found though

Nice pickup. Those things are a blast.... you cant find a funner gun for what you paid.
Plus, it has a complete lifetime warranty... if you break it, they'll replace it

15 yards is right on top of the target with that thing.
try moving out a little farther to 25-50 yards, that's where the real fun will be


names Brenton
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Nice pickup. Those things are a blast.... you cant find a funner gun for what you paid.
Plus, it has a complete lifetime warranty... if you break it, they'll replace it

15 yards is right on top of the target with that thing.
try moving out a little farther to 25-50 yards, that's where the real fun will be
Yea, I wonder what they would do if I walked into the main lobby and say it broke? :lol:

I just set me up a couple targets today, one is probably 15/20 and i'm hoping the other will be in the 30 range. Will have to measure it out here in a few.. Only bad place about my house is its all on a hill.. No real flat stretch so I'm basically shooting down hill into woods. I will take pics here in a few when I go back out to play around some.

Mr. Lin

Admiral Ackbar
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wtf is it with ppl and hi-point?
sure, i'd own one if i were going to rob a chinese liquor store and trash the evidence.

$lick Rick

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wtf is it with ppl and hi-point?
sure, i'd own one if i were going to rob a chinese liquor store and trash the evidence.
they make a reliable gun with one of the best warranty and customer service programs in existence.... and they do it for very little money. They're also one of the only real american gun companies left. Even companies like colt and springfield are contracting overseas now.

Guns dont always need to be top shelf to be worth while

My colt python makes a great safe queen, but I much prefer shooting my old h&r .22 revolver.

If it werent for the fact that the beretta cx4 9mm carbine shares the same mag as my px4 pistol, i'd take a hipoint in a heartbeat.


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So it looks like this forum hasnt been used in a while....but Im sure you guys will chime in.

Im going to be turning 21 soon, and want to pick up a pistol. I want something in the 9 or .40 flavor. I have considered a revolver, because the reliability sounds great....but having about twice as many shots is what sold me on a semi. Im just looking for you guys to chime in and let me know what you have, and how you like it. Im looking for something thats going to be comfortable in my hand. I have shot a P22 before, it was small, but I liked the feel....so Im going to try shooting a P99 in 9mm soon to get a feel for that.


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oOo, i got another springfeild pistol, bought it from a buddy, so now i have my 40 cal, and the new 45, b***h is a cannon


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So it looks like this forum hasnt been used in a while....but Im sure you guys will chime in.

Im going to be turning 21 soon, and want to pick up a pistol. I want something in the 9 or .40 flavor. I have considered a revolver, because the reliability sounds great....but having about twice as many shots is what sold me on a semi. Im just looking for you guys to chime in and let me know what you have, and how you like it. Im looking for something thats going to be comfortable in my hand. I have shot a P22 before, it was small, but I liked the feel....so Im going to try shooting a P99 in 9mm soon to get a feel for that.
you sir, need to go to a gun store, and see what feels good in YOUR hand,thats what i did, and im very satisfied with my springfeild armory 40, and 45 cal


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Yea I plan on doing that, I was just wondering what everyone else had. I think a .45 would be nice to have.....in the future. Im not really a large frame guy.....and even though in the 1911 steel frame platform the recoil isnt that bad, 1911's arent that comfortable for me. And I hear .45s are a b***h to get a hold of right now. On top of that, I would rather have 12-15 shots of 9mm or .40 than have.....what 8 shots in .45? I believe in shot placement over anything.


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lol if you cant kill it wilth 8 shots from a 45, then you dont need to own a gun


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most bad ass part of the purchase was, i have 3 clips of police hollow tips, that only cops can buy, heh, (he is a cop)


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You arent always going to have just one person breaking in, and they wont always be unarmed. Just saying.


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if you are going to get one gun.. a dead reliable one.. that will withstand tons of abuse.. I would honestly just get a Glock.. I have a Glock 23 and it is great providing it fits your hand.. I have shot many pistols.. but I ONLY OWN one.. and that was what I chose.. no compromise..


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I could go with either one. But I have heard that the .40 in a P99 is a little bit much for the size of the gun. I will look into Glocks too, and fire a couple to see if I like how they feel. And for now it will be one pistol, I will definitely be getting a couple others later down the line.


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I could go with either one. But I have heard that the .40 in a P99 is a little bit much for the size of the gun. I will look into Glocks too, and fire a couple to see if I like how they feel. And for now it will be one pistol, I will definitely be getting a couple others later down the line.
Glocks are a simple no hassle design.. light weight... and really reliable.. you are a guy? you should be able to manage .40 S&W.... .40 is the ideal compromise between 9mm and 45 imo


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Have never had any complaints about mine. Not difficult to handle at all and has been incredibly reliable.
Was the first pistol I bought.
What pistol was that? And which other pistols do you have?
