STFUWhy is VTEC spelled wrong like 1900 times on this thread..
You're one gay ass fanboy. STFUWhy is VTEC spelled wrong like 1900 times on this thread..
I mean I don't really have a cock dO0d, im sorry to dissApoint you!You're one gay ass fanboy. STFU
Missed u 2 destroy <3STFU
Lol I would take a b18c5 vtec over h/k series any day but thats just my opinion but anyother b-series gets smokedThis whole thread is full of fail lol.
H/K vtec > B series vtec anyday.
And you should NOT be able to feel a sudden burst of speed/power when vtec crosses. If you can, your car is not tuned properly. Nor is it running at it's full potential.
x2To OP - I'm glad you had a good experience. I'm not going to ruin your excitement.
yes.can u put a i-vtec(2002) in a 6th gen?
hurry up and fuking leave, we shue as hell dont need or want you here.^^^so true
Only reason why I'm trying to get out of the Honda scene...oh and I want something faster too\