HOW's your civic !!?


Some Delicious Guy
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Take the above said as constructive criticism and get someone to look over your work before you paint, maybe stop by a body shop and offer somebody $20 to give you some advice. It will turn out better for it.


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5+ Year Member
the only thing i did with a sander is took the pinstrip off. the rest of the car is sanded down by hand with 500,800, 1000 and wet sanding with 1000 &1200, ive got the primer do lay on the car before paint. after paint, gonna wet sand it 1000 and 1200 again and lay final paint on. i seriously dont thnk im going to ruin my car. im doin this s**t basically on my own. givin, ive never workd at a "honda" body shop but im taking my time with it. in no hurry so im not rushing it or skipping over stuff. so what i wanna know is how am i ruining my car. and instead of trying to build ur ego and prove me wrong on a forum page why dont u be a person and tryn help someone out who's learning and loves the same passion for honda's as you.


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the only thing i did with a sander is took the pinstrip off. the rest of the car is sanded down by hand with 500,800, 1000 and wet sanding with 1000 &1200, ive got the primer do lay on the car before paint. after paint, gonna wet sand it 1000 and 1200 again and lay final paint on. i seriously dont thnk im going to ruin my car. im doin this s**t basically on my own. givin, ive never workd at a "honda" body shop but im taking my time with it. in no hurry so im not rushing it or skipping over stuff. so what i wanna know is how am i ruining my car. and instead of trying to build ur ego and prove me wrong on a forum page why dont u be a person and tryn help someone out who's learning and loves the same passion for honda's as you.
first off, you shouldnt have sanded the pin stripes off, thats mistake one, they make rubber wheels that go on a grinder, and that basically erases them off, when you sanded them off, you burned thru the paint, thru the e-coat, down to the bare metal and burned the edges,when you paint over that, its gonna show up like crazy. i dont even know if primer will cover up that , u need to prime the whole car, not just a splotchy rattle can primer spot job, that s**t will look like ass,honestly man, if you dont have the right place, the right gun, the right compressor, the right products to do the job right, id just save my money, and let someone who knows how to do the job right do it, or else its not gonna come out like you think. there is no need to paint, then sand it back down, then lay more paint on it, that just makes no sense. you basically have 2 options, base-clear, or single stage . just save up, get a nice paint job man.


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5+ Year Member
the whole reason i primer'd it with a can is cause i got done at like 3 in the morning and it was a quick fix for now. im going to primer the whole car. ill just get on here when im completly dont with the paint
