alignment specs


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5+ Year Member
Does anyone know what the factory alignment specs are for a 1993 civic sedan (LX) or where I could find them?


Taking an H-T break
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
You can goto any place that does alighnments and ask for an OE spec sheet. Or somewhere on here the service manual might have it as well.


New Member
5+ Year Member
I actually already got the alignment and all it has on the sheet is whether or not it is within specs or not. There are no specific numbers, just green or red. It shows my actual measurements but not OE specs. That's why I was asking because without them how do I really know I am in range?


New Member
5+ Year Member
I already tried google and found nothing. If it is so easy to find on google, could you please post the link to the specs?


New Member
5+ Year Member
I didn't think about calling them , I'll do that tomorrow. By them I mean Honda, not the shop.


names Brenton
Registered VIP
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10+ Year Member
You can get a rough estimate on if you have proper alignment if you put a piece of wood across the middle of each tire, then measure the distance's of the front and back. They should equal the same. Dunno if i explained that well though.


New Member
5+ Year Member
Here's my specs
Caster +1.29, +1.27
Camber +0.6, -0.03
Toe -0.01, 0.0

Camber -0.71, -0.43
Toe -0.05, +0.02
Total Toe -0.02
Thrust Angle -0.08
Let me know what ya'll think, everything is in the green except LR toe


New Member
5+ Year Member
I'm just glad this argument was brought into my thread, could someone at least respond to my specs


New Member
5+ Year Member
Nobody ever answers, everyone always says fix you camber but to what setting? How much negative camber is wanted front and rear?
