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It has been quite some time since I played it but if it is the pain in the ass one that I am thinking of, I had to read the walkthrough to figure it out. If it is the one that I am thinking of, I remember it taking quite a few tries for me. You have to jump off the one above it or next to it (I can't remember) and catch it on the way by. You need to be far enough along to have the grab ledge ability. Memory block 4 or 5 I believe.OK lethal6. You told me Assassin's Creed so I got it. Decide to take a break from the action and collect flags. In Kingdom there is one on top of a pillar.. that you have to jump from another pillar to get. HOW THE f**k DO YOU DO IT??? I can't make it I die everytime.
Or anyone else that has played it.
*edit* Just scanned through the walkthrough. I was right. You need to be past block 4 and have the ability. You have to catch it just right on the way down.