What all to get for a Turbo Kit (D16Y8)


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5+ Year Member
i have a 1998 Honda Civic EX with a D16Y8 and i am looking to turbo it. i found a kit that has everything in it. i Heard that you need to upgrade the ECU? is this true, also i heard that you need to get a high flow fuel rail along with bigger injectors. if both of these are true can anyone tell me where to get one? thanks


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Registered OG
5+ Year Member
You need to do a lot more research before you throw on a turbo and destroy your motor


Taking an H-T break
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
What do you mean by this?
Its pretty self explanatory there swifty...you want to turbo an engine that is no designed for turbo.. if you dont know what your doing.. you will have no engine to turbo!

With that said, are you picking up what were putting down?
