WatisJDM Scammer? (robbie)


Stickin it to the Man
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so did you get the lip? can this thread be closed or is the lip still on its way?


Boost Fiend
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awww, kiss and make up


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not ignorant, you are, there is not one person that doesnt act in alturstic ways, sorry you are so blind to the fact taht people are alturistic in nature, just know that karma will catch up if he did f**k you, it was an internts deal, its a gamble every time. EVERY TIME im sure you are not out like a trillion bucks so its cool, you got burned but it sounds like he will be getting back to you with what you need. he is trying to rectify the situation, maybe robbie you get proof ie scan an internet bill showing that your service was interupted or a cell phone bill. its ok joel your a cool guy from what i have seen, you will have good karma i am sure.
Thats easy for you to say because this s**t did not happen to you. Yes its the internet and yes its a gamble. I lost $400.00 in May from a douchebag on HS forum...i was pissed and i never got my f**king money back whatever life goes on. This as well is a serious issue due to $$$ being involved because last time i checked $$$ is very important nowadays. So JDMJNKY's reaction was the right one and who gives a f**k what dude is going through, there are methods to get in touch with people and to ship s**t out. I have no sympathy to "Robbie" because there is always a way to get s**t out. To me i say the heat caught up to him, And its not cool to be out on any $$$. Especially when homeboy has it and you dont have s**t. I am married and have 1 baby boy and one girl on the way...money matters.
No please don't get me wrong, I understand things happen. I do. I understand the nature of e-purchases, and I hate that this may come off incorrect. what I was trying to illustrate was- I paid this man, I did not receive product, then you turn around and ask ME.....what's the big deal? The big deal is the principle!
If I never took these actions of recourse when would I have got my lip? when or would I have got a refund?
you did what you did and thats all. At least your getting your lip and this BS is all finalized.
and until he gets the lip this thread should stay open...JDMJNKY post pics when its in your hands than / this thread
edit BS is still not finalized

s_crowley 17

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The moral of this whole situation(s) is that Robbie's reputation is shot down from the sky.

Atleast for me, good job bud, you ruined some s**t for yourself.. as long as you're alright with it.


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I dunno. Its shady as hell. There is a few threads up on multiple sites about this.


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s**t happens, Im sure Rob and Joel will be ok.


Yeah we will, I'll do my thing and hell do his. Will I ever order from him again? .....I don't think so.


R.I.P Stephen Jackson
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Now that it seems everything is resolved....

Hot volleyball chick!

