i figured it outi had 1, i lost itl ol, but yeah i gave it to my firentd and he put m33 firmware on it so i could save my games to my memory stick. idk how he didi it though
http://us.gran-turismo.com/us/products/gtpsp/ said:"Head Start on Gran Turismo 5 -- Transfer your collection of cars to Gran Turismo 5 when it releases to get a jump on the competition."
i dunno about this darkalex fellow, but i used rain's ultralite mms maker for 5.00 M33-4 and then softupgraded to 5.50GEN-b2. it was a lot simpler than i thought it was gonna be.If you're gonna do custom firmware you better have a pandora battery in case you brick it.. and ONLY trust custom firmware from a modder named "darkalex". He's the best and his shiz is never messed up.
yeah.. i already got myself a 79 civicdamn there are a s**t ton of hondas