Did a person reacting as she did deserve to get tasered? I say yes.
The fact that she's elderly seems to be being used as a reason that she should not have been tasered and thus be allowed to do whatever she wants to do.
She keeps repeating in the video that she's 72-years-old and dares him to taze her, but I would think a 72-year-old person should know better than to act as she did.
If she really did not want to get tasered or fall to the ground after getting tasered then she should have complied and not begged the deputy to taze her. Most people who do not want to be tasered to not dare anyone else to tase them.
Video released:
It's also very interesting that she said in an interview (before the dash cam video was released), "I was not argumentative. I was not combative. All of this is a lie."
Video of her interview here:
Either way, apparently it worked out for her pretty well. Her attorney originally asked for $135,000. Instead she was offered a $40,000 settlement by the Travis County Commissioners who are probably more than happy to see this all go away. She accepted the settlement.
Oh, and Constable Richard McCain (in the second video) is not the deputy who pulled her over.
And wow, this apparently happened some time ago. She was pulled over initially May 11, it hit the news May 29 or so, the settlement was offered September 30 or earlier, but she just accepted the settlement October 5.