Zombie Survival Plan... Best place to go


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well call me Mr. Director then :lol:


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No, I think it's a great idea. So, let's pull together our Zombie knowledge and discuss what would make a new awesome zombie movie.

First off, is it going to be fast or slow zombies?
Fast Zombies come from the Rage Virus, like the movie 28 Days Later
Slow Zombies come from something brought from outer space that wakes the dead and anyone that dies, like Night of the Living Dead

So, what is going to be our theme? I mean, Zombieland just took a new angle and did the comedy side, which is the "list" and things to do to stay alive, also, it takes place long after the infection has occurred, while most movies show the initial progression of zombie takeover

To complicate things even more, Max Brooks, author of World War Z (if anyone reading this thread hasn't read a Max Brooks Zombie book, then you are definitely in zombie trouble when Z day comes) just started work on Z day, which is how the world deals with a global zombie takeover and how we replace society once we realize that normal warfare is not applicable to modern zombies.

I don't want to argue why an AK47 isn't a great gun for zombies, because if you think Bazookas, missiles, tanks, and AK47s are the answer, then read the book. You will be pleasantly surprised.


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I vote the moon. If I get to the moon and f**king zombie (or Biz) shows up.. f**k that I'd let him kill me.


Rubbin on yo booty
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I think it should be suspensful... These are usually the "horror" movies that get more attention and scares. Have the movie build up a suspense, then out of nowhere have the camera turn to only have a ZOMBIE in it's face (if the person holding the camera is a person) then can make the camera drop and see a side angle of what appears to be a zombie on top eating a person.... Later on after things clear up, someone else finds the camera and starts watching/filming what he's experiencing...

^Something to start the movie out of...


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i like the biological approach to the zombies like in the will smith movie I Am Legend. they were regular people that were vaccinated to prevent cancer, but then they became super susceptible to rabies. i loved that the zombies huddled together in the dark, and that they weren't completely stupid, but i didn't like the super human strength they gained (like the ability to climb the side of a house in 2 seconds)

they should be obviously flesh-hungry and somewhat witty, like knowing how to hunt in packs and surround the victim like a wild pack of wolves would do. you should be able to kill them just like killing any other human. a couple .357 rounds to the chest or a .45 round to the head should do the trick
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Toneekay has a camera angle for the start of the movie, which is a good idea, but just because Paranormal Activity made a bunch of money, doesn't mean every movie like it will. I mean, think about it, Paranormal Activity is a new version of the Blair Witch Project. Media hype and internet blogging. So, the next Paranormal Activity-like movie won't come out for another 10 years, because it took Blair Witch that long

So Billy's approach is to make a movie that has already been made (a biological approach, so you mean 28 days later). Also, in regards to Billy's second comment. I think we'd have to stick with the normal "laws" of zombies. I mean, that being, only headshots kill them because they are already dead, hence they are zombies, and they can't think or use tools, or hunt in packs. Because well, again, that's just like the movie I am Legend, where they set a trap for Will Smith.


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^I like the sound of that as well too... Somewhat "smart" and witty zombies that actually know what they want (the only thing they want is to feeeeed). I'd like for them to know how to hide and when the "people" just happen to walk by, the zombie will jump out and be like supplieessss buttsecks!


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not necessarily the same type of movie, i just think those types of zombies are more realistic and thus scary b/c its relatable and believable

the movie could be about a group of college students that went on a trip or something when the zombie infection started. they could be like film students documenting some foreign place then all of a sudden have to learn how to survive a zombie apocalypse :what:

guess that probably sounds a lot like blair witch. the only difference would be these students didnt go out looking for zombies, they just wanted to take a trip
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Rubbin on yo booty
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Yea, I wouldn't want them to be plain dumb or TOO damn smart or TOO damn super strong... How the hell are us regular people going to survive through that? I wouldn't want it to be "zombies" either... More of a biological mutation, just like Willie said, something more believable.


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i like the way that movie Hostel, about the friends that took a euro trip, unfolded. the movie started out great, just some kids having fun and looking for an adventure, then bam everything went bad and people are getting tortured and s**t :rolf:. that's kinda like the way i think a zombie film should hit you


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I LOVED Hostel... WAYYYYYY better than Saw & Turistas...

Especially the sex scene! We can get some girls in there and have a hotel and I can be on one bed and I guess Willie can be on the other and have a shot of girls riding on top of our thick hard cocks.


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well i guess you got that scene all ready to go then :rolf:


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Hell yea, just let me know and we'll start the shoot... I even got a few home vids that I wouldn't mind putting into the film........


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rofl we are not putting your home vids in the movie :haha:

and where's a good location to shoot? i'm not going to sallad. how bout some hick town in alabama or tennessee :lol:


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Oklahoma where the wild things are...


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not necessarily the same type of movie, i just think those types of zombies are more realistic and thus scary b/c its relatable and believable

the movie could be about a group of college students that went on a trip or something when the zombie infection started. they could be like film students documenting some foreign place then all of a sudden have to learn how to survive a zombie apocalypse :what:

guess that probably sounds a lot like blair witch. the only difference would be these students didnt go out looking for zombies, they just wanted to take a trip
No, it sounds a lot like Diary of the Dead - by George Romero

Do you people watch Zombie movies? Ha Ha Ha, just kidding. Though, I like that everyone is throwing out ideas. I am not being a critic, just trying to help focus on that perfect idea.

I think we make a Zombie Movie in Japan and let is start at a carshow and people are all trying to escape in some sick JDM cars


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That sounds pretty ricey...


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Fast And Furious 5: Tokyo Zombie Time Attack

special edition 4 cd box set includes real zombie bits and tire scrub!
