my ex wife used to get real pissed off at me when I discovered that I could close the bedroom door, keep the bathroom door open turn the tv sideways and watch tv while on the shitter. I loved it until the one day i was on there for so long my legs went numb... but seriously, watching tv/playing video games while on the shitter is great! you dont have to pause the game for a pee break or anything, your already there!dude i take shits in like 2.5 minutes literally. and i only take 2-3 shits per week; 4 if i've had a lot of oatmeal. how can you sit on a toilet for over 20 minutes ???
Give the guy a break, he's "ON URGE OF MONEY"
On a good week, I'll average about 2-3 shits a day... It's only healthy. In a week, I'll probably s**t over 10+ times, I like to sit on there and push until everything gets out... Your 2.5 minutes of "shitting" is only relieving yourself of the waste in your rectorial guide (about a foot from your rectum inside); they're a lot more to push out, I just make sure I get the stuff out that I ate from the day before.........dude i take shits in like 2.5 minutes literally. and i only take 2-3 shits per week; 4 if i've had a lot of oatmeal. how can you sit on a toilet for over 20 minutes ???
You mean the rim around your ass?
i kinda want to start taking wagers on thislol I have two infractions so im trying not to be an a*****e but im going to get a third sometime, its just going to happen.. some other girl is gunna come on here and be an attention whore and im going to tell her she is..
eh whatever