Mr. Jollypants
Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Awesome website.
Some of my favorites:
Some of my favorites:
Today, I went to Starbucks with my friend to get us a couple of white chocolate mochas. When the barista asked my friend for his name to be written on his drink, my friend confidently said, "Free." It wasn't until the barista announced "Hot white chocolate mocha for FREE!" that I realized that I am, indeed, friends with an evil genius. MLIA.
Today in my World History class we were talking about ancient Africa and African animals. When a girl asked what a wildebeest was, someone answered, "It's the type of animal that attacked Mufasa." She nodded, and our class continued our discussion. I love my class. MLIA
Today, I was ordering pizza online. When checking out, I was asked to describe my location. Amongst "House, apartment" etc, one of the choices was "Military Base". Needless to say, there is a man currently headed to a secret military base in a suburban neighborhood, to deliver a large pizza, with special instruction to duck and cover, avoiding the land mines. Never have I been more excited for food, ever. MLIA