Official Modern Warfare 2 thread


Idk about you, but the throwing knife is the s**t. I love being the douche that runs around with ninja pro, cold blooded, and a silent SMG and throwing knives at people. I've gotten alot of hateful comments from people by doing that. Hardcore is good though, love my silent sniper rifles. Anyone try 3rd person cage match? Hard as s**t to kill people, too werid for me.


Mmmonocle smile!
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my f**kin ps3 is freezing alluva sudden during call of duty. after a match it just freezes.... read online that its possibly overheating. anyone else have this issue?


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i have a 2.75 kd ratio, gotten 8 nukes and im a lvl 70 =)


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Discovered Hardcore Ricochet HQ Pro today... lots of fun... though I HATE playing it on the smallest level. Everybody uses grenade launchers and rocket launchers. Drives me insane. 0 skill.


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my f**kin ps3 is freezing alluva sudden during call of duty. after a match it just freezes.... read online that its possibly overheating. anyone else have this issue?
I had that problem with my PS3 as well. I did the complete re-format, and the fan test that can be done on certain models. Nothing worked. 4 mins into the first match, I wasn't able to hear grenades and explosives go off, then I wasn't able to hear my own gun shooting. By the time the game ended, it froze.

After a bunch of research and talking with Sony, we believe it was a faulty blu ray reader that reads the discs. It slows down (or just fails in general), and can't read the information off the disc fast enough and eventually freezes. Sony wanted something like $150 to send it to them to fix (6-8 weeks). No thanks. Traded the system in as "broken" at Gamestop for $115, and picked up a refurbished 40GB for $230.

Oh yea, by the way Riot Shields are the sh!t. It is hilarious to run around with a buddy, both with shields, and see people's reactions. We once had 5 of the enemies just basically standing in a corner, not one of them knowing what to do. Good times. lol


Mmmonocle smile!
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I had that problem with my PS3 as well. I did the complete re-format, and the fan test that can be done on certain models. Nothing worked. 4 mins into the first match, I wasn't able to hear grenades and explosives go off, then I wasn't able to hear my own gun shooting. By the time the game ended, it froze.

After a bunch of research and talking with Sony, we believe it was a faulty blu ray reader that reads the discs. It slows down (or just fails in general), and can't read the information off the disc fast enough and eventually freezes. Sony wanted something like $150 to send it to them to fix (6-8 weeks). No thanks. Traded the system in as "broken" at Gamestop for $115, and picked up a refurbished 40GB for $230.
thanks for the info bro. i think imma look into possible repair@ like gamestop or play-n-trade. i got a bunch of games saved on it. ( not to mention level 54 on mw2) and i really dont wanna have to start over. ugh ive been dreadin this day...


names Brenton
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yea but most crouch down so its just better to blow em up
i actually tried this... and still got shot... if they are moving you can shoot their feet... if they are standing still... then i dont know


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i got a bunch of games saved on it. ( not to mention level 54 on mw2) and i really dont wanna have to start over.
Well, anything on the HD would technically be lost. If you have downloaded games/movies/etc, I bet you can just re download that for free seeing as you would still have your online account. Since your online account is still there (in the Playstation Network's system), all of your mw2 things would be unchanged.

Edit: I should have said all of the online mw2 things would be unchanged. I believe the campaign would have to be re-done. You could also try and switch Hard drives with your PS3 and the new one, too.


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i actually tried this... and still got shot... if they are moving you can shoot their feet... if they are standing still... then i dont know
You need to look down too. If you just crouch your feet can still be shot. If you look down a little bit, it covers your feet as you walk. Don't look down too much though or your head will be exposed.


Set This World On Blaze!!
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We should start a CC clan on MW2 for the PC if anyone has it.

$lick Rick

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the javelin martyrdom rocks my socks


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so i just played this on PS3 for the first time and all i gotta say is wow, the level of skill is soooo much lower than 360.

either that or i was just playing shitty ass people for 5 games hahaha


Its the people you play. I got in a match with a bunch of noobs. K/D when from a 1.00 to a 1.10 in the spand of 4 matches. Its all in what you play. Hardcore though is where ALOT of the good people I have found play. You either camp or die, espeically on those sniper maps, like Wasteland. Love it.


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idk dude, i was playing team deathmatch, free for all, and a game of domination so i wasnt with the same group of people the whole time


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I wouldn't doubt ps3 is more of a casual crowd compared to 360. As one service is paid and the other is not. Which would affect the difficulty of the online.

Kind of makes me want to buy the game on ps3 now as well, lol.


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the javelin martyrdom rocks my socks
I hate it. Totally ruins Hardcore HQ on the smallest map. It's full of people who only do that and grenade launcher. It's a level of no skill and lots of luck at this point
