stupid SNOW!


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You live and learn... thats why insurance costs so much when you're young


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wow youre retarded .... i used to drive my lowered 94 accord on 17" street tires around in the snow and never had any problems ... and if i did feel like drifting id find a big empty parking lot and wouldnt have bitched if i hit something

try driving a 2wd truck with no weight over the back in the snow then get back to me about how had it is to cruise in your fwd honda


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ive never had a problem with driving in the snow, its the stopping part that is a b***h, but i really like that my civic does NOT have abs, so much easier to stop in the snow.


Chillin' Canadian Member
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i usually go out into an empty parking lot, or back road and get the feel for the snow. every season. when i first got my license my dad told me to take the old farm truck out and get the feel for the snow, i was f**king around on the back roads around my house in an 8K lb. truck with no abs and rear wheel drive. never had any problems with the civic.

That's what I do every winter season with the first snowfall. Go out to a big parking lot and drive around and get a feel for it.

females should not be allowed to drive or vote.
Are you sure? I remember a video was posted in the off topic with some woman that drove the Audi Quattro in Class B of WRC in the 80's...

EDIT: Found the video! :D
[YOUTUBE="Michele Mouton Audi Quattro"]x8jJ7bDL-rQ[/YOUTUBE]


Stickin it to the Man
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Are you sure? I remember a video was posted in the off topic with some woman that drove the Audi Quattro in Class B of WRC in the 80's...
one driver does not represent the whole population ;)


Chillin' Canadian Member
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one driver does not represent the whole population ;)
I know. I took Biz's comment as in the entire female population ;):P

But IMO for this thread, the driver is to blame, not the snow.


Stickin it to the Man
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lol how'd I miss that? what' safer leaping from a moving vehicle or a lil 5mph crash? lol she's lucky she didn't get ran over


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don't blame the snow for an inability to drive in it. how did you wreck it? stopping? taking a corner at 30+? never had a problem in the snow.

Glad to hear your ok, but slow it down and downshift before braking, less chance of sliding.


Yay, Another Car.
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yeah the snow kinda took us by surprise. the forcast called for snow sometime during the day and to our surprise we wake up with an inch lol. gotta love indiana weather people. personally ive never had any problem with snow but thats probably because i grew up in wisconsin and was actualy taught how to drive in it. when i moved here it simply amazed me how may people would crash just because it was raining. and then when the snow came omg. it was just funny. hell take today for instance. i left for work at 6:30 and there were no plows out yet. im listening to the radio and they report a 30 car pile-up on i-69. semis and all. wtf. its 6:30 am. theres only a handful of cars out there and theres already a massive wreck lol. i think the main problem is just the fact that the city doesnt do very well when it comes to clearing the roads. they are always late in sending out the plows and when they do they dont throw salt down behind them. so your left with no snow on the roads, just a sheet of ice. if they would have left the snow there probably wouldnt have been so many accidents. atleast then you would have some kind of traction.
