^^Should post one of himself to inspire me to do the same ^^came to this site to post on the describe the person posting above u page...
and not post pics of herself..
^^Should post one of himself to inspire me to do the same ^^came to this site to post on the describe the person posting above u page...
and not post pics of herself..
should pm me one of her and ill pm her one of me..
Thanks!! ^^Is very nice^^actually was going for jdmprncss but yea u beat me to her
you buy it, you can do whatever you want with it.^^Wants me to drive his car ^^
^^Has a pretty car but I like my car to much^^^^^ shoud go bump my car for sale.
you buy it, you can do whatever you want with it.
^^Could be right but I didn't mean to if I did^^^^probably just insulted slambed_civic by calling his car "pretty"
definitely didnt insult me. Ive got broad shoulders.^^Could be right but I didn't mean to if I did^^
^^is pretty funny when not making jokes about me^^^^^Avatar suggests that you have narrow shoulders, flexible hips, a big head, and large black eyes like a nocturnal rodent
LMFAO!!!!^^^meant that for jdmprncss but was thinking of slammed civic the entire time