ghetto WIN


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$1 bottle degreaser + kitchen sink = clean ass car parts


Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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I've done this several times.. I've also used a "supersonic cleaning" tool from Harbor Freight, was like 35 bucks and I could put my nuts and bolts and other tiny parts in it.


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The degreaser Im using, is actually cleaning the carbon off the valves and combustion chamber. Other degreasers Ive used, that cost alot more, wont do that....

Im gonna look into that cleaner....sounds interesting..


Stickin' it to the man
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$1 bottle degreaser + kitchen sink = clean ass car parts

seriously... i was just looking at facebook... and saw this status... and thought... i need to remove some of my friends cause most of them are only there becasue of the apps i use... like farmville...

then i come here.. .and i see this.. .and say... oh its a clubcivic guy... nevermind he can stay


Formally Green 91
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ive washed car parts in a bathub, in the master bathroom.


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seriously... i was just looking at facebook... and saw this status... and thought... i need to remove some of my friends cause most of them are only there becasue of the apps i use... like farmville...

then i come here.. .and i see this.. .and say... oh its a clubcivic guy... nevermind he can stay
Haha. Yea, I went through all my friends, and anyone I didnt even recognize, I deleted. I have an entire group, just for you Club Civic guys. I get you and the other Chris (from Jersey, has the red EK hatch) confused ALL the time. :lol:

What do you use EJ6Civic27? before and after pics!
I didnt take any before pictures, but I have a few after pictures. I'll get those up later on tonight. I'll see what I can find for before pictures, tho.


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I used a huge 50 gal cooler once. I dumped 1 1/2 bottles of simple green in it, put the parts in it (in this case, it was an entire z6 head) and then filled it with hot water and let it all sit for a good 3 hours.

I'm not too sure I would want to try and do this with my kitchen sink since my cooler was lined with oil which I wiped as much as I could off, stained a little, and smelled.


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Kitchen sinks are a different material than a cooler. Oil will stick more to plastic than it till to ceramic.


RHD is where its at
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degreaser is amazing but can also do great harm if not careful...


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Here's some after pictures. Im amazed at how it ate through the carbon in the combustion chambers....

