anyone else notice....

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got traction

i rock the sohc
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the downward trend of this forum? we havnt had a active mod in the photography section, all these n00bs have .gif signatures, there hasnt been a rotm for ever...what gives?


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Been thinking and noticing the same thing. Plus threads about the same thing everyday it seems. Its been out of control lately. Newbies are out of control.


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kinda wondered the same, its dead as f**k now with stupid f**king threads that are all f**king retarded


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its kinda shitty now that all the assholes og's are banned, there is no one to keep the f**king newbies noobs in line, now if u say somthing to one of these rejects, everyone gets all emotional and tells the mods and everyone gets a infraction

s_crowley 17

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Maybe youre right redline.. now that these og's are banned, and have been for awhile, its kinda lame and boring... they made it exciting actually..


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yah, it kept things intersting, i remember when i joined i made a stupid thread and got flamed big time, after that you kinda think before you post up some dumb s**t, now these f**king retards are goin ape s**t and just makeing threads about what f**king bumper they should get cause they are goin on the drift circuit , god damn its so stupid

btw this should be in vip


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i have been on here for awhile now and i have never gotten an infraction til the last few months, and im an a*****e..
i even got banned this year..

i agree its ridiculous but u have to watch what u say now.

its like obama took over the internet...

s_crowley 17

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how the f**king hell do you drift in a civic wtf is that kid thinking..


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i dunno ask the f**ktard that made the thread,


In my opinion, among different Civic forums, CC seems to give members the most freedom with respect behavior, language, sexually explicit talk and pics, and racial remarks. I personally believe that the rules are too loose under certain circumstances, though this greater freedom also gives the forum a unique character.


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All the above is so true. Seeing less and less of the CC members that do this site good.


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Anybody else notice...

That this is probably the 3rd or 4th thread of its kind within the past 5 or 6 years?

This forum, as is true of most things in life, goes in cycles. Members come, they like what they see, so they stick around for a while.. become "OGs".. get too comfortable and think they're above the rules.. so they start acting like assholes and eventually leave/get banned due to the resistance. A new group of members comes in, forms a different group... same s**t happens. There are a select few who don't let the "OG" status get to their heads and those are the members you see that have been around for years and years. Between cycles, there's always a lull in new thread topics and forum activity.

This has been the trend in the past, and will probably continue well into the future.


Stickin' it to the man
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yea and the members who are dicks... are actually nice people if there is a sensible thread... something they relate to...

but this going on about the same s**t everyday... it gets old... so they have to come up with something witty to say each time.

i mean.. everything said here is true.. there is a new thread every day about what was just covered last week...

and members come.. and members go... yes... but you look at it... there is still the CORE group of folks here who comment on everything no matter what it is... and there is also the core group of members who gives AWESOME advice...

most of the advice i give is the truth... its something ive seen... or done.. . that hasnt quite worked out well... so i express what has gone on in my situation..

just the other day there was a guy trying to sell his car with that B20A and the blown headgasket for 8K... i gave him the truth... its blown... not gonna get 8k

so its more... id like to help them out... but if they werent so dumb to begin with... it would go over alot better..

its as if hondatech is sending them here just like we send people to hondatech.. just to intentionally get flamed.


Stickin' it to the man
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and we got no explanation for the site being down the other day either... just up.. and off. not one word of "maintenance" was ever mentioned.

and the site errors section has been dead since the 3rd... and us old folks are the only ones coming up with the problems.


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Kinda wondering why one of the newbies havent chimed in on this conversation yet.
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