anyone else notice....

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Stickin it to the Man
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only 1 post has been deleted in here and it was deleted by the same person who posted it Mr. 2006


OG スバリスト
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only 1 post has been deleted in here and it was deleted by the same person who posted it Mr. 2006
sorry for dirtying the other thread niitin, i got a bit carried away


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"love me daddy!"

yes but see... some d**k... is gonna come in here in a few hours... and lock this.. and give somebody here and infraction... its just the way this has gone on lately. makes the site boring...
who is this d**k you speak of?

not only that but when I started to try and do something about all these noob threads popping up on the same thing posted over and over again... you gave me s**t for moving them to the off topic section, the place I think they should be if there isn't a noob lounge.

not only you but other members, some that have cried on this thread already, gave me s**t for moving stupid noob threads to the off topic. Now all of a sudden it's a problem. :lol:

if it isn't one thing with you guys, it's another. You should just take it for what it is and realize that this is just a f**king website. A f**king BADDASS website at that. If it weren't, none of you would care or be posting everyday.

the reason i keep coming here... i like the people who are here no matter what... the loyal folks who come here to make interesting conversation...

pretty much... there is a certain crowd here that has been here as long as i can remember... who is the comical crowd... the ones to make you laugh. they can be assholes at times... but that sometimes... is what makes them funny.

ogs cant be considered ogs anymore.... because majority of them... have gone.... and have come back years later... and claim og status...

the true ogs... the ones that are here almost everyday.... anfrey, tom, and folks that have a post count that reflects the time they have spent here... can be called ogs..

some cat with 6-7 years here... but posts... what? once a year? has less than 1000 posts.. no sorry.. you dont qualify.

i honestly think.... people who are here just for the site... should be considered something... not ogs... but something.....

and for christ sake.... bring back dank... and ryan. yea they were dicks... but it all goes back to what i was saying earlier... they have thier good moments... and just cause one person on the mod staff hates them... shouldnt be reason for them never to come back...

i spoke with max a few times about this... even if you let him back... he wont come back... he may post a few here and there.. but it wont ever be like before.

there used to be a time that when i went into the lounge... and in the column where it said.. last post at... and so... i used to click it just because i wanted to see what they said.

that time has gone away... there are no more interesting things to read about... they are all monitored..

it really is like obama came and took over the internet. ..and the CIA has a wiretap on CC.

dank and ryan were banned due to rules you help setup and enforce. Now all of a sudden you want them back? :lol:

I like dank but the rules are rules and have to be followed by everyone, not just noobs and certian people no one likes.

Like Ian for example. Everyone would give him s**t and when he gave s**t back, everyone was quick to hit the report button on him. Basically making some of you guys even bigger hypocrites than what you are showing now.

in some cases... id actually like to have my mod status back... just so i can try and make a difference. i kinda feel naked without it. powerless against the ailing noob...

and i was the one that started the whole... mods can edit sigs... and dammit... i wish i was still mod... id slap that redharlem dude f**king hard with the sig removed please contact a moderator. id leave my name in big bold size 5 text just so he knew what the f**k he just did

dude.... you left you mod job basically for no reason at all, just be cause you didn't get your way. You didn't get what you wanted and you said you wanted to leave. imo, you did this to have others say, "no chris, don't leave" just like you did the first time. You left and the site was the same now you want to come back and try to make a difference? :thumbdown

not only that but you were one of the mods running around and giving out stupid infractions for stupid sig violations as soon as you were able to edit them. No warnning what so ever, you handed out infractions as soon as you could.

with that being said, I sure as hell hope you guys aren't referring to me locking up threads when someone tries to talk s**t or give advice. If someone has a problem with me or what I do and creates a thread I always leave it open to let them say what they have to, I respond and let others post as well. If ANY thread starts to get out of hand, I do what I have to do.

as for the "cool" banned og mambers..... YOU guy's made the rules like this... not me. ;) I would LOVE for the site to go back to the way it was but you guys f**ked it up for me and yourselves. Now you just have to be e-men and f**king deal with it.

JayJay and oc are cool, why the f**k should they have to stop their lives to satisfy any of you? You're no one special. This site is a damn good site and you shouldn't expect real people with real lives to stop their REAL lives to cater to the needs of some of you selfish people. No other site would do that for you, why the f**k do you expect this one to?
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Formally Green 91
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how long did it take you to type and think of all that? :biz:


Ex-Gang Member
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how long did it take you to type and think of all that? :biz:
heh, like 2 minutes because I check for spelling but I usually miss alot and have to edit anyway. It took me longer to read the bullshit. :lol:

none of this is a big deal unless you make it out to be


Too Honest
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Alright I've been around forums long enough to know how they work. I challenege you all to go to one forum and find nothing to complain about. This thread should be a site suggestions thread all I've read about is how noobs need to be enforced. Every site has noobs and always will. My suggestion which I believe needs to be changed is thread jacking, I may not no enough about the past here but when I joined I posted my car in 5thgens members sections got like 90 post and Id say >20 were pertaining to me or my car.

I understand the rules of senority but it seems to me that everyone takes the date they joined straight to their heads. It's lame.


Rubbin on yo booty
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Blah blah blah... I've been acting the same and have gotten more and more infractions, but at least it's by the same mod... For the most part... I remember it all started off with blahblahman (I think that was his SN before)...


Rubbin on yo booty
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Oh yea, I just get on for the off topic now... No more tech for me, I can't control myself lulz.


Stickin' it to the man
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who is this d**k you speak of?

not only that but when I started to try and do something about all these noob threads popping up on the same thing posted over and over again... you gave me s**t for moving them to the off topic section, the place I think they should be if there isn't a noob lounge.

not only you but other members, some that have cried on this thread already, gave me s**t for moving stupid noob threads to the off topic. Now all of a sudden it's a problem. :lol:

if it isn't one thing with you guys, it's another. You should just take it for what it is and realize that this is just a f**king website. A f**king BADDASS website at that. If it weren't, none of you would care or be posting everyday.

dank and ryan were banned due to rules you help setup and enforce. Now all of a sudden you want them back? :lol:

I like dank but the rules are rules and have to be followed by everyone, not just noobs and certian people no one likes.

Like Ian for example. Everyone would give him s**t and when he gave s**t back, everyone was quick to hit the report button on him. Basically making some of you guys even bigger hypocrites than what you are showing now.

dude.... you left you mod job basically for no reason at all, just be cause you didn't get your way. You didn't get what you wanted and you said you wanted to leave. imo, you did this to have others say, "no chris, don't leave" just like you did the first time. You left and the site was the same now you want to come back and try to make a difference? :thumbdown

not only that but you were one of the mods running around and giving out stupid infractions for stupid sig violations as soon as you were able to edit them. No warnning what so ever, you handed out infractions as soon as you could.

with that being said, I sure as hell hope you guys aren't referring to me locking up threads when someone tries to talk s**t or give advice. If someone has a problem with me or what I do and creates a thread I always leave it open to let them say what they have to, I respond and let others post as well. If ANY thread starts to get out of hand, I do what I have to do.

as for the "cool" banned og mambers..... YOU guy's made the rules like this... not me. ;) I would LOVE for the site to go back to the way it was but you guys f**ked it up for me and yourselves. Now you just have to be e-men and f**king deal with it.

JayJay and oc are cool, why the f**k should they have to stop their lives to satisfy any of you? You're no one special. This site is a damn good site and you shouldn't expect real people with real lives to stop their REAL lives to cater to the needs of some of you selfish people. No other site would do that for you, why the f**k do you expect this one to?
so you decide to single me out?

well ill tell you this... reason i left being a mod.... YOU became Smod when clearly... there were better canidates for the job. you were mod less than a year and got the job because you just so happen to be a favorite here...

and you can go on and tell me im a baby and post your little picture... i dont give a f**k. the truth is... you are my problem.

as far as the sigs are concerned... sigs were way out of hand.. and the only way to let these people know they were in the wrong... was infractions. if you remove someones sig... they will just think it is a glitch.. and reload it.

if you add an infraction to it... they know they need to fix it. an infraction for a sig violation is not a big deal.. it simply means you need to fix it. people got upset because the thought they had some fine to pay or something.. or it was going to scar thier perfect record...

and rules i imposed? i suggested.... never imposed. as soon as those rules were in effect... you saw those members get banned. but you never saw me hand them thier infractions... because i didnt think they were in the wrong. you saw matt and yourself run after them.. as if they were atop your shitlist.

i do agree that turbo95eg had to go... dank and ryan... yea ban for a week or 2... but not forever.

you guys let eran back... i was against that from day one! i had no say in it.

even saul was caught milling around the forums.... but no... apparently everyone forgot about his trolling. and let him pass.

but minute max makes an account you people are on it. half the time hes not even here to cause trouble...


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the downward trend of this forum? we havnt had a active mod in the photography section, all these n00bs have .gif signatures, there hasnt been a rotm for ever...what gives?
the people that run this site aren't putting all their effort into it. Mods should be changed every few years(im sure as hardcore as some might seem, they can loose interest, and as soon as that starts showing, i say replace em') to keep this site alive and fresh. it's them who set up all the monthly activities right?

What i've noticed since i've joined is that CC will have it's slow times.


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I think everyone on here has lost site of what ClubCivic is... it is a forum for technical information specifically about honda civics. It is NOT a social networking site. It happens to have an Off-topic section for entertainment purposes only, hence why posts in OT do not effect your post count. If i had my way OT section wouldn't even be moderated. However, i do acknowledge some weaknesses around the site, like photography. The mod staff is usually very dynamic - we attempt to cover the entire site, usually 2 or 3 mods deep in some sections, but obviously some sections can slip through the cracks until they start to stand out in need of attention. Bare with us! We are human! [/current thoughts]

yes, the banner at the top of the site needs to be updated. Mods have no control over this. And p.s. its not ROTM, its a Featured Ride - there is no set amount of time to keep it featured. there are several other approved applicants waiting to get posted up. I'd love to see it being rotated on a more regular basis too
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Rubbin on yo booty
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I still notice some of the banned members on CC aim chat ;P


Honduh's... LULZ
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I'm never on here anymore for a lot of reasons. Most of my feelings about this site, Chris has already posted, so I won't bother to repost them, read his posts. I feel the same way.

Now- I don't like to do this, but Biz, honestly, I haven't been back regularly since you became a mod. I have never respected you, and don't feel you have helped being a mod. Making you blue was one of the biggest mistakes Justin and Anthony ever made.

I know a lot of members on here outside of the forum, and many of us from the old days, back when Justin was really here, and not just occasionally passing though, feel the same way Chris does. We've all moved on to other forums, and stages of life. This site has gone back to the childishness that it was before, and yes it will go in cycles, so this thread and my post now seem moot because it is not going to change anything.

As it's well known, I am friends with Max, he will never come back here so theres no need to worry about that. He's got knowledge that no one on here has, and he refuses to share any of it again with this site because of how poorly run this place became. Does he and others still lurk? Yes. Do they post? Maybe. But unlikely. ClubCivic used to be a respected community, when we had a ton of meets, and people who genuinely cared about builds, and how to do them correctly, not the cheapest way. Its sad this site was more mature when it was an infant.
On that same note, no one on here is ever grateful to those with real answers or knowledge. Hence why we only have a few folks left who have the knowledge to keep this kind of site alive. We would all be lying if we said Max, and others who are no longer here for one reason or another, didn't make this site what it once was. There was a time where it was packed with useful knowledge, and a ton of dicks. But now that most of those dicks are gone, so is the quality of the knowledge. As hard as we used to be on new members and people with childish questions made this site strong, it forced them to look for themselves.

Do I blame anyone here for all of that? No, it does no good, its a website, and should have been closed long ago. But there are always a fresh set of new members to keep this limping along. Thats enough of my posting for today, as I'm sure it won't be read by Justin, or Anthony unless they get linked to it.

Tom- if you read this, you know none of this is directed at you. You know I have nothing but respect for you, and think you have been the most consistent, level headed, and knowledgeable mod and member this site still has.


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i have another thing that really pisses me off, the classified section. i think u need to at least have 150 post to even be able to get into it ,or buy a premium account if u want access pms blow up with these new people with 0 or 1 post asking dumb questions about stuff they have no intent of buying its getting really f**king old.they never post anything and just troll the forsale threads lol /rant


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and since OC had blown up his car... he doesnt care anymore about civics and is just worried about selling the parts to his car... once thats done... i see him leaving forever...

Its funny when people babble and have no idea WTF they are talking about... i actually just made a post in the mod lounge 2 days or so addressing appointing some new blood to the moderator staff.. to say i dont care anymore is a bullshit statement... i still do all the same s**t i always have.. overlook mod activity... do user maintenance that can not be done by anyone else.. etc...

as far as the site errors area ONLY jay jay can address those.. as he is the only one with actual SITE EDITING ability..

as far as the photography lounge.. i started THREE contests in the last couple months.. ONE had ANY feedback.. so no its hard to waste my time running contests that people don't enter....

this is how the photography contests generally run..

Theme is announced...
people check and see if they have a picture they took already that fits..
if yes they enter..
if no they talk about how something is preventing them from taking one.. school.. work.. holidays.. etc..

the IDEA of the contest is to go out and take a pic that meets the theme.. and YES some people do that.. but MOST dont..

as far as threads like these.. they happen every so often.. and honestly there is not much you can do about it.. people come and go.. some stay longer than others..

me having a civic or not does not change my interest in this site or Hondas in general..

maybe next time you think i dont give a f**k anymore.. or maybe if you think anything of me in general.. take a second.. PM me.. and ill let you know exactly whats going on..


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i have another thing that really pisses me off, the classified section. i think u need to at least have 150 post to even be able to get into it ,or buy a premium account if u want access pms blow up with these new people with 0 or 1 post asking dumb questions about stuff they have no intent of buying its getting really f**king old.they never post anything and just troll the forsale threads lol /rant
we have been through this for YEARS.. it is up to YOU the SELLER to decide who you want to sell to.. i have sold parts on THIS site to people who have had NO posts at least once... had this "rule" that you want been in place it would have cost them a part and me money.. if YOU want to only sell to people with 150 posts or more you are more than welcome to do so...


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I'm never on here anymore for a lot of reasons. Most of my feelings about this site, Chris has already posted, so I won't bother to repost them, read his posts. I feel the same way.

Now- I don't like to do this, but Biz, honestly, I haven't been back regularly since you became a mod. I have never respected you, and don't feel you have helped being a mod. Making you blue was one of the biggest mistakes Justin and Anthony ever made.

I know a lot of members on here outside of the forum, and many of us from the old days, back when Justin was really here, and not just occasionally passing though, feel the same way Chris does. We've all moved on to other forums, and stages of life. This site has gone back to the childishness that it was before, and yes it will go in cycles, so this thread and my post now seem moot because it is not going to change anything.

As it's well known, I am friends with Max, he will never come back here so theres no need to worry about that. He's got knowledge that no one on here has, and he refuses to share any of it again with this site because of how poorly run this place became. Does he and others still lurk? Yes. Do they post? Maybe. But unlikely. ClubCivic used to be a respected community, when we had a ton of meets, and people who genuinely cared about builds, and how to do them correctly, not the cheapest way. Its sad this site was more mature when it was an infant.
On that same note, no one on here is ever grateful to those with real answers or knowledge. Hence why we only have a few folks left who have the knowledge to keep this kind of site alive. We would all be lying if we said Max, and others who are no longer here for one reason or another, didn't make this site what it once was. There was a time where it was packed with useful knowledge, and a ton of dicks. But now that most of those dicks are gone, so is the quality of the knowledge. As hard as we used to be on new members and people with childish questions made this site strong, it forced them to look for themselves.

Do I blame anyone here for all of that? No, it does no good, its a website, and should have been closed long ago. But there are always a fresh set of new members to keep this limping along. Thats enough of my posting for today, as I'm sure it won't be read by Justin, or Anthony unless they get linked to it.

Tom- if you read this, you know none of this is directed at you. You know I have nothing but respect for you, and think you have been the most consistent, level headed, and knowledgeable mod and member this site still has.

Biz is by far one of the most active mods the site has ever seen.. and on top of that when he is wrong he is the first to admit it.. in the past biz and i did NOT get along.. but i FIRMLY believe he is a stand up guy who really has the sites best interest in mind.. he is also VERY active in the mod lounge seeking discussion and input from other moderators.. does he make mistakes? sure we all do.. but that does not imo make him a bad mod..

and why are you sure that i wont read this..:roll: i love how people assume things.. my lacking of posts does not mean i do not read the site..

these threads happen every so often.. and the reality is you can't make everyone happy all the time..


Honduh's... LULZ
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and why are you sure that i wont read this..:roll: i love how people assume things.. my lacking of posts does not mean i do not read the site..

these threads happen every so often.. and the reality is you can't make everyone happy all the time..
Thank you for reading it.


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Just to keep you informed, I've read every post up until now.

The Noob situation.. is not in moderator's hands. For as long as I've been a mod, and i'm sure before, we have tried. The fact of the matter is this... you cannot use conventional forum rules and positioning of information to educate somebody who doesn't understand our forum rules or where to look on the forum. The education of noobs is up to all members. I can tell you right now that it will not be accomplished by flaming. Does it work? Some times. It "whips some people into shape." To be honest, it makes most of them leave and never come back. In the past, these people have been insulted and called some sort of emotional nickname (baby, pussy, etc.) If you ask me, I don't know why the hell anyone would want to stick around a place where people appear to be complete dicks. I sure as hell wouldn't.

The other method that does work is teaching them unselfishly. Give your knowledge freely, teach them where the search box is, post links to informational sites... or to other threads on the forum that answer their question even. Nobody is ever required to help anyone else on here, so if you don't want to, that's fine.. follow the "if you don't like it, don't click it" rule and be on your way. Just realize that flaming will not be tolerated.

Anfrey talks about how strictly the site was run when he was a moderator... Do you guys know how long ago that was? A very very long time ago. You say that things haven't always been so strict? Refer to Anfrey's post and you'll see that nothing has changed in that department. By the way, during that time, when Anfrey was a moderator, I think 99% of the site was completely satisfied with the way things were being run. Another example of the fact that the site can be run effectively without flaming.

Many of you are quick to judge, and put all of these problems in the hands of moderator action; saying that moderators are to blame for all of these problems. Some of these problems, yes. Moderator action is to blame, and I assure you that forming a team of top notch moderators is an ongoing process that we are always undertaking. Even now we are discussing it.

However, many of these problems are the fault of the members (moderators included.) It is up to all of us to promote an atmosphere in which we want to exist. We all display the forum norms to new members and unwittingly teach them how they should act when they become regulars. This, by and large, has the largest impact on the atmosphere here. Remember that.

Now I hate to sound like an activist, but if something is going wrong with your frequented section of the forum (5th gen, 6th gen, 7th gen, etc.. etc..), you need to send a PM to your moderator explaining the issue. If the moderator does not respond, or does not respond in a way you think is appropriate, then it's time to PM another moderator whom you think is more trustworthy or send a pm to OC. This is the best way to gain results. If we get PMs from 5 different people who all say the same thing, then it's time to consider the issue at hand and get it fixed. However, if nobody seems to have any problems, then it appears that nothing needs correcting. As an example, how can I possibly know what's going on in 4th gen? I don't have a 4th gen, i'm not a 4th gen moderator, and I'm not a SMod, so I have no reason to ever go to that forum. If there's a problem and the 4th gen mod is neglecting it, the other moderators will need to know (after you speak to the 4th gen moderator of course.) I'm not trying to pick on the 4th gen mod btw, just using it as an example and 4th gens are the generation I know least about. lol.

Anyway, gotta get back to work.


Stickin' it to the man
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I still notice some of the banned members on CC aim chat ;P
because we are all friends..

if any one of us starts a CC aim chat... the first 6 people... seriously... ryan, dank, max, you, petey and myself are usually... the only ones there....
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