^^Should know as a girl I like to use the word *Pretty* and it isn't an insult^^^^ just insulted quick86 by calling his LS1 Trans Am pretty
not to my recollection. ^^ shouldnt call guys' cars pretty anymore.^^Should know as a girl I like to use the word *Pretty* and it isn't an insult^^
edit: Didn't ya call me out on calling someone else pretty too? lol
i wanted it to look pretty^^^ felt the need to put pretty in pink text....
^^Is *pretty*^^i wanted it to look pretty
^^Just defended me I believe... Shocking!!!^^^^^Must acknowledge that it flew, Joe Cocker
^^Likes eating burned Betty Crocker brownies^^ Hhahahahah that made me LOL^^^Possesses supernatural powers allowing him to transform from a banana into a pilgrim and vice versa.
after the chemical spill i was not as fortunate as some of the other mutants, like spaghetti-finger girl, or pin-cushion boy . my power is pretty much useless unless i'm in the grocery store greens section, or at a thanksgiving parade^^^Possesses supernatural powers allowing him to transform from a banana into a pilgrim and vice versa.
^^^Is part owner of the Skinni corporation, which shockingly turns waste materials derived from animals back into animals.^^Likes eating burned Betty Crocker brownies^^ Hhahahahah that made me LOL
^^^While his unusual supernatural power is not very practical, it's a hoot at parties.after the chemical spill i was not as fortunate as some of the other mutants, like spaghetti-finger girl, or pin-cushion boy . my power is pretty much useless unless i'm in the grocery store greens section, or at a thanksgiving parade festival
^^ is on a roll with the jokes this morning^^^While his unusual supernatural power is not very practical, it's a hoot at parties.