Search before posting


Formally Green 91
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just a small rant...

i think we need to add a pop up box when starting a new thread, it should say " Did you try searching first?"

WAY to many threads of people asking questions that have been asked millions of times and answer can be found with a simple 5 second search.:roll: :wak:


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actually.. that's not a half bad f**king idea you got there :thumbs up


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not really stupid threads, just redundant threads. like in one day there can be 3 new threads about "which muffler should i get" and in all 3 threads people post the same exact things :roll:. a popup dialog box telling people to search before posting a new thread is a great idea imho
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Stickin' it to the man
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we tried to outline this in the thread that was started... but a few folks ruined it

Jay Jay

Staff member
I'll add some text on the new thread page since I'm making a few other site changes.


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5+ Year Member
on this other forum called they have this cool feature;
as you are making a new thread, after you put in a title it automatically searches for similair threads and displays them for you.


I eat rice. And beans.
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5+ Year Member
on another note, it'd be nice if we had an "opinion" section just for people who post threads titled: "what do you think about ______________?" or "what should I _______?"

Just a thought, seeing as we get about 5 threads/day just asking for opinions.


Anyone want my front end?
5+ Year Member
The problem is more in the way people title their threads. If its titled DAMMIT how are you supposed to know its about changing the engine seals and the guy named it that because he hurt his finger and thought it'd be cool to name it that? This isn't my first forum and I might be wrong but it could be from inexperience or just age. Instead of titling a thread "WTF" in the engine section they need to be more specific and try "WTF hard cold start problem, won't turn over" or something like that.

I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin.


Anyone want my front end?
5+ Year Member
Perfect example of what I meant. In the classified section alone there are at least one thread per page that say something about "Misc parts" or "FS thread" there are VERY FEW that actually tell what they're selling and have the year or any specifics etc to help when you're searching thru the forums. Looking thru HUNDREDS of posts and threads gets frustrating as hell and its going to breed multiple and repeat threads.


I eat rice. And beans.
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The problem is more in the way people title their threads. If its titled DAMMIT how are you supposed to know its about changing the engine seals and the guy named it that because he hurt his finger and thought it'd be cool to name it that? This isn't my first forum and I might be wrong but it could be from inexperience or just age. Instead of titling a thread "WTF" in the engine section they need to be more specific and try "WTF hard cold start problem, won't turn over" or something like that.

I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin.
I see what you mean, but I think that it doesn't matter what people title their threads, as long as they put it in the right section to not clutter the forum. If a thread is titled "wtf" in the 6th gen tech section, then we should kinda know what to expect.


Formally Green 91
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When people make thread titles like that its to get as many people to say "wtf is this thread about." And they click on it.


I eat rice. And beans.
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5+ Year Member
When people make thread titles like that its to get as many people to say "wtf is this thread about." And they click on it.
haha yea, but I still think we need a section just for opinion threads.....


Ex-Gang Member
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I know one thing..... just posting "search" in a thread doesn't help. Maybe helping them search would be more helpful. ;) Hopefully Jay Jay comes up with something good tho!
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