XBOX 360 vs PS3


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ps3 by a longshot! the blu ray, browser, the deal that sony just signed w Real D 3D to have 3d gaming. Wireless networking. for free, wireless controllers for free, bluetooth, GT5!

the only things that i like about the xbox is more people play it, and the controller is really nice.

but since the price drop. im sure more ppl will get the ps3.


"where you at?"
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game wise i think their tha same ?
xbox control has to much s**t goin on it ps3 is nice and simple
and on the ps3 you dont gotta pay to go online!
whats the point of payin your internet bill and more for the xboX?

ps3 is just better!


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you pay b/c xbl > sony network

Facebook/LastFM (free internet music streaming)/netflix (w/o having to eject game/insert disc/party's/easy to create/join games/ avatars/ being able to see who's online by hitting one button, then seeing what games they play, what achievements they have etc.

It's very well thought out

+demo's play instant, no installing etc.
Load times and over all waiting on ps3 drive me NUTS!


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I don't see the purpose of this ongoing discussion...

it's like saying Toyota vs Honda..

basically, if you like Corollas; buy a Toyota.
and if you like Civics; buy a Honda.


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I love my ps3

The games, graphics, playstation network, browser, blu ray and my favorite, the controllers. I'm used to them.
I've tried the xbox remotes and can't get used to them. On the graphics, xbox's are really good. the online gaming and stuff haven't seen it so idk

but for me, ps3>xbox


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it only does everything. haha you cant beat it being a jewel in your entertainment hardware. plus it looks sexy.

it is a great machine, even tho the new ones are washed down a bit from the 60GB.


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game wise i think their tha same ?
xbox control has to much s**t goin on it ps3 is nice and simple
and on the ps3 you dont gotta pay to go online!
whats the point of payin your internet bill and more for the xboX?

ps3 is just better!
uh... you do know they have the same amount of buttons...right? The 360 controller just fits in your hand better.


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uh... you do know they have the same amount of buttons...right? The 360 controller just fits in your hand better.
360 controller > original xbox controller, and the triggers are better than the lever type lower shoulder buttons on the PS3


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PS3 ftw!

1.Quiet fan
2.Blu ray player
3.Better Graphics
4.Free online
5.Better audio
6.More space on blu ray for exclusive games
7.Free Playstation Home
8.Better menu system
9.Free web browser
10.Store uses actual money instead of Microsoft points
11.Scratch-proof disks
12.Xbox 360 break down more often
13.Lighter controllers with no battery pack
14.Better microphone, fits on you ears instead of over your head
15.In my opinion, Playstation has better exclusives: MGS4, LBP, Killzone2, Uncharted, Resistence 2, InFamous, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Socom, Gran Turismo 5,
Haze, FF13, Motorstorm 1 & 2, and soon MAG and God of War 3.
16.Exterior looks better
17.Doesn't scratch disks like Xbox 360 sometimes does.
18.Controllers have a longer range.
19.Built in Wifi connectivity.
20.Xbox 360 has too many FPS.
21.Ability to connect to your PSP.
22.Six-axis controllers allow motion controls.
23. low failure rate


Slow and Loving It
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You reminded me of another reason I hate the PS3, if your tring to watch a movie, or do ANYTHING on it, that fan turns on super loud like its fighting for its life, its annoying as hell. And dam playstation exclusive list sucks balls lmao


Slow and Loving It
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you pay b/c xbl > sony network

Facebook/LastFM (free internet music streaming)/netflix (w/o having to eject game/insert disc/party's/easy to create/join games/ avatars/ being able to see who's online by hitting one button, then seeing what games they play, what achievements they have etc.

It's very well thought out

+demo's play instant, no installing etc.
Load times and over all waiting on ps3 drive me NUTS!
:word:Every single thing you do on PS3 you have to wait FOREVER for it to install and all games still take super long to load.


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Yeah I hate the loading times for the ps3 they suck compare to the xbox loading time


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PS3 ftw!

1.Quiet fan True
2.Blu ray player true
3.Better Graphics up for arguement
4.Free online True but online isn't apples to apples
5.Better audio false
6.More space on blu ray for exclusive games true but i've NEVER had a 2 disc xbox game
7.Free Playstation Home you already said free online see #4
8.Better menu system up for arguement I like NXLE Menu just fine
9.Free web browser but it sucks
10.Store uses actual money instead of Microsoft points true
11.Scratch-proof disks false
12.Xbox 360 break down more often true
13.Lighter controllers with no battery pack has zero affect on gameplay unless you have weak arms :P
14.Better microphone, fits on you ears instead of over your head doesn't come w/it, and aftermarket xbox mics are available
15.In my opinion, Playstation has better exclusives: MGS4, LBP, Killzone2, Uncharted, Resistence 2, InFamous, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Socom, Gran Turismo 5,
Haze, FF13, Motorstorm 1 & 2, and soon MAG and God of War 3.
16.Exterior looks better you already said graphics see #3
17.Doesn't scratch disks like Xbox 360 sometimes does. you already said scratch proof see #11
18.Controllers have a longer range. because blue ray reaches 30 feet? Who can see a TV from that distance? Xbox controller works all around my house, non-issue
19.Built in Wifi connectivity. true
20.Xbox 360 has too many FPS. never too many
21.Ability to connect to your PSP. kinda cool i guess but more $
22.Six-axis controllers allow motion controls. To a weak extent but true
23. low failure rate you already mentioned this #13
Ok fixed your not so thought out rant


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Thanks hooked, that was bothering me. lol.

I hate when people say PS3 has better graphics. This just shows me that people are paying more attention to what they read somewhere rather than what they are experiencing. Not only that, but they're reading the wrong things. Better graphics capabilities, yes... but better graphics in general, not really. It's like communism, great in theory, but doesn't live up to expectations in practice.

Yes, I just compared the ps3 to communism. :lol:


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hmm... i see.. a thread about this and that.. alright.


what to say... whaaaaat toooo say?

*scratches chin*


"where you at?"
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360 controller > original xbox controller, and the triggers are better than the lever type lower shoulder buttons on the PS3
well i got extended ones on mine? :what: idk guess its different with everybody


"where you at?"
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uh... you do know they have the same amount of buttons...right? The 360 controller just fits in your hand better.

i gues its where the analog is placed on the 360 that makes it feel different
